Toyoko Inn Hokkaido Sapporo-eki Nishi-guchi Hokudai Mae w Sapporo

JaponiaToyoko Inn Hokkaido Sapporo-eki Nishi-guchi Hokudai Mae


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4-chōme-22-7 Kita 8 Jōnishi, Kita Ward, Sapporo, Hokkaido 060-0808, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 11-717-1045
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Latitude: 43.0709641, Longitude: 141.3480775

komentarze 5

  • Ilya Genkin

    Ilya Genkin


    We’ve been to Japan 5 times and we are long time Toyoko Inn member. Always staying in Toyoko Inn if possible. This one is one of the worst Toyoko Inn we’ve seen. Staff is not speaking basic English at all even in 2024! No onsite parking - you have to park 2 blocks away and then walk with luggage. Parking is expensive compared to other Toyoko Inns. Self check-in doesn’t work properly. We spent 30 minutes trying to check in. Really? Room wasn’t properly cleaned - we found pubic hair in a bathroom. Unacceptable! Worst Toyoko Inn we ever seen.

  • Lukas Bauer

    Lukas Bauer


    An affordable hotel near Sapporo Station. I chose this hotel by two reasons. First: the price. It's less than 6000 Yen (approx. 40€) per night for a single room and comes with breakfast. The breakfast is a small buffet with salads, meat, omelette, Miso soup, curry and bread. It varies a little bit from day to day and comes with coffee and tea. Second reason: the location. It's close to Sapporo Station (5 minute walk to northern entrance) and all of the city centre's attractions are in a walkable distance. The room is clean, well equipped and the free WiFi works good!

  • Kattie Lee

    Kattie Lee


    Have been travelling around japan for 2 weeks, booked Toyoko Inn for all our stays. Even though is a budget hotel but it is very clean! Joined as member on the spot and got a discount for the amount to be paid. I especially likes their single bedroom (Comfort size), they have 2 types to choose from and the twin bedroom which both beds are at each ends instead of side by side (see pics). This was the first time I saw Twin bedroom design like this, I must say "It's just Perfect"!! Both of us were so happy as we have our own space to move around w/o disturbing eachother. They provide breakfast daily, it depends on which hotel u stays, some Toyoko Inn served breakfast at 6.30am, while others at 7am. In the 14 days trip, only one Toyoko Inn we went to serve Dinner 😚

  • David Cawthorne

    David Cawthorne


    The hotel is within close walking distance of Sapporo station. For me it was an early check-in followed by a very early checkout so I don't know about the complimentary breakfast but the check-in and check-out process was efficient and the room was clean and comfortable.

  • Gary Chen

    Gary Chen


    Located within a short walk from JR Sapporo station, in front of Hokkaido Uni. As a Toyoko Inn you can expect the standard amenities being provided, though the building is slightly older compared to others. Main entertainment district Susukino and Tanukikoji Arcade are 25mins walk away, or alternatively, short subway ride from Sapporo station. Note: free breakfast on-site for guests. Check-out/in time is 10am/4pm (3pm for Toyoko card holders). Off-peak discount available from November to April.

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