植田旅館 en Niigata




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4 Nochō-2120 Ishizuechōdōri, Chuo Ward, Niigata, 951-8055, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 25-225-1111
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 37.923141, Longitude: 139.0524

comentarios 5

  • Sa Sen

    Sa Sen


    This is a warm inn that makes you feel like you've come to your grandparents' house in the countryside. The hostess's response was wonderful and I would definitely stay there again if I had the chance. It was clean and comfortable, including the bathroom!

  • 栗原勇雄



    Men can experience a Showa era inn that looks like something out of Tsuraiyo. Although the building is old, it is well-maintained and will become a page of your trip full of humanity. It's strange how in the morning I feel like I'm back at home. It's soothing in a way. A bowl full of rice for breakfast. As expected from Niigata! It was very delicious.

  • すだ



    I was looking for a cheap place to park my car near Niigata Furumachi and found this place. It is located in a back alley and has the appearance of a long-established inn. You must make a reservation for the parking lot by phone in advance, but the parking fee itself is the same as the nearby Coipa, so it is recommended for those who want to park nearby. It's an older two-story building, and the sliding doors are basically not intended to be soundproof. The sink was right in front of the room, so I could clearly hear everyone brushing their teeth and washing their faces. There are plenty of supplies such as yukata, toiletries, refrigerator, and pot. Also, you can use the bath whenever you like, but each group takes a bath at a time, so it's essentially a private bath. I got in at the right time, but if there are a lot of guests, you might have to wait in line. The inn is run by three people: the elderly owner, his wife, and a maid. Although it's a little rough around the edges, the customer service is friendly and good. Overall, it's not suitable for people who are looking for hotel-level amenities (or rather, I don't think such sensitive people would use this place), but the fact that it's very cheap and has a large bath is attractive. That's spot on. It's a good idea to bring earplugs for soundproofing.

  • 松川真己



    I used it for an overnight stay in Niigata on Christmas night. Even when hotels are expensive and often fully booked, the prices remain as reasonable as usual. The fact that there is no bed and you can relax a little is unique to Japanese-style rooms. Although the structure shows its age, the toilet and bath are clean and comfortable. It's within walking distance to Furumachi, so it's a good place to stay overnight after drinking. I hope you will be able to help me again.

  • 川口智



    There is no hot spring, just a regular bath. Washrooms and toilets are shared. However, the water area is clean and the toilet is a Western-style washlet. The atmosphere of the inn is Showa-era, but the plumbing and guest rooms are clean, so it doesn't feel like a particular inconvenience. Staying overnight without meals costs around 4,500 yen even on Saturdays. Payment is by cash only.

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