Niigata Terminal Hotel en Niigata

JapónNiigata Terminal Hotel


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1-chōme-6-31 Hanazono, Chuo Ward, Niigata, 950-0086, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 25-241-7777
sitio web:
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Latitude: 37.913867, Longitude: 139.063619

comentarios 5

  • Walking Day

    Walking Day


    The buildings and rooms have a Showa-era feel to them, giving it an old-fashioned feel. I think it's a good deal considering the convenience. The moment I entered the room, it was humid and humid, so I thought that was a bit of a shame, but the air conditioning turned on once I turned it on, so it wasn't a problem.

  • chan P

    chan P


    A hotel near the Bandai exit of Niigata Station that can be called a business hotel from the Showa era.The washlet has an old-fashioned button-operated toilet seat.The TV is like a TV.All the power is unplugged from the outlet.You have to look for an outlet for a moment.This hotel is chosen based on the price and the proximity of the station.

  • ヨッチ



    3 stars. . . Is it good or bad? Either way, it's good. The biggest drawback is that the building is located close to the other buildings, and the windows are on the building side. (Both sides) I'm not talking about views or scenery or anything like that. The good thing about it was that I felt a kind of ``spirit'' that said I wouldn't be defeated by something like that. There are no young hoteliers, but even at the front desk, they don't keep customers waiting, and they never leave trash or dust on display. . . I felt a sense of pride. There's nothing I can do about the hardware.

  • 田中寛子



    2024.2.17~19 Thank you for taking care of me when I went to see the live performance. The location was close to express bus stops and stations, and the Bandai Bus Center was within walking distance from the hotel. The room was compact but clean, and although it was a smoking room, it didn't bother me too much. It locks automatically, so be sure to take your key with you when you go out.

  • Krzysztof Skrzypski

    Krzysztof Skrzypski


    There is nothing missing in this hotel, plus they have reusable slippers. It was a much more interesting experience than at any new hotel

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