Hotel Okura Niigata en 新潟市

JapónHotel Okura Niigata



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Domingoabierto 24 horas
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Juevesabierto 24 horas
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Sábadoabierto 24 horas
Japan, 〒951-8053 新潟県新潟市中央区川端町6丁目53
contactos teléfono: +81 25-224-6111
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 37.9198561, Longitude: 139.0510225

comentarios 5

  • Imis Imis

    Imis Imis


    Great classical Japan hotel! Have stayed in this property many times and certainly I always look forward spending night or two. The ambience, location, stuff are just great! Slow stroll away from Bando seafood market or department store 2F shopping arcade.

  • Lee Chiat Ch'ng

    Lee Chiat Ch'ng


    The hotel was conveniently located near shopping malls, and I had a room with a beautiful view overlooking the Sakura trees and the river. The location was great for people who drove, and parking was free, but it was too far to walk (20 minutes) from Niigata station. I especially enjoyed the breakfast, which included two types of Koshihikari rice (Uonuma and Toukamachi) and many local dishes. The room was clean and comfortable, though it was a bit old. The service was great.

  • Cher Lee Kiat

    Cher Lee Kiat


    Located near the Shinano river, this is a huge hotel with good service. The check in was quick and effortless. The room we had was quite huge and clean, and supplied with kettle and tea making facilities. It wasn’t crowded when we were there and there was almost no waiting time for the lifts. You could park your car either at the basement or the open air space next to the hotel. They charge 1300 yen per day. The riverside embankment was ideal for leisurely walks. There are many food choices near the hotels ranging from ramen to sushi places. A few convenience stores are also within walking distances. The drawbacks are that the air conditioning couldn’t be controlled properly and it’s too warm. The WiFi is also quite weak.

  • Jimmy Fitzback

    Jimmy Fitzback


    Despite the hotel being a bit dated, for the price it's probably one of the most pleasurable experience I've had in a Japanese hotel. Wide comfortable rooms, nice view, nice staff, free parking. They don't have USB ports so you should bring your adapter but it's not that big of a deal. They have a smoking area on the 4th floor and many shops across the first few floors. Location is quite good as you can walk pretty much anywhere in the central area within 20min.

  • Kelly Pettit

    Kelly Pettit


    We really enjoyed this hotel. Very friendly staff and despite the hotel being a little old, it was very clean. The room was a nice size and was very clean. It’s located right next to the iconic Bandai Bridge and is very central to many restaurants all within walking distance. There is a convenience store 1 minute away. There is free ice on each floor and a nice restaurant on the main floor. The price was very reasonable, too. Will definitely return.

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