Niigata City Hotel en Niigata

JapónNiigata City Hotel


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8 Banchō-1430 Furumachidōri, Chuo Ward, Niigata, 951-8063, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 50-1807-3191
sitio web:
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Latitude: 37.9236523, Longitude: 139.0455203

comentarios 5

  • Ohayō Phil

    Ohayō Phil


    PARK SOMEWHERE ELSE IF you’re DRIVING. The staff at the hotel is friendly and accommodating. Considering the price, the hotel is average, but it suffices for a short stay. We paid ¥8800 for two people on a Sunday evening, which included a free breakfast. The lack of free parking is my main complaint about this hotel. They may offer a discounted rate for parking, but I discovered that nearby parking places outside the hotel charge much less. Other parking options range from ¥300 to ¥500 for overnight parking, whereas the hotel's recommended option costs ¥1100. I'm unsure why the hotel would attempt to deceive its guests in this manner.

  • Akshay Kalbhor

    Akshay Kalbhor


    Old rooms Broken electrical points Scratched bath tubs Small bed Reservation sites mention continental breakfast but is basically Japanese food without even bread and butter. Can’t just stop complaining about the hotel, even the non smoking rooms stink with the strong smell of customers having smoked previously ( for which we had to get the room changed). Booked a room here as was running on a restricted budget, next time will definitely go for an option more costly than choosing this one.

  • Nii-Odoi Odotei

    Nii-Odoi Odotei


    Decent, affordable

  • Yuka Abe

    Yuka Abe


    Clean and cheap. We could use hot spring in the hotel next door but the time schedule is not fair for female... They have manga selections

  • Eric Testroete

    Eric Testroete


    Room was pretty old, bed wasn't great, but free breakfast and it was cheap.

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