Yatsushiro Grand Hotel en Yatsushiro

JapónYatsushiro Grand Hotel



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Yatsushiro Grand Hotel, 1階, 10-1 Asahichūōdōri, Yatsushiro, Kumamoto 866-0844, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 965-32-2111
sitio web: hmihotelgroup.com
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 32.50263, Longitude: 130.613197

comentarios 5

  • 園芸マイニング



    The building is old, but the customer service was good, and the breakfast was delicious with a lot of variety. There is a convenience store nearby, which is convenient, but there is also a coin laundry on the premises, but there are many machines that are out of order, so you may have to wait when there are many users.

  • 한빛가온



    💬 A hotel with a classic feel, a quiet hotel that was good for rest 🛏️ It felt like it was a bit far from downtown, and Yatsushiro itself is not a city for tourism but rather has a strong industrial feel, so it doesn't feel crowded, so there isn't much to see around. That's why it's a quiet city, so it's nice to relax and relax! The price was reasonable, so considering the price, it was a reasonable price for such a classic style, and although it felt a little old-fashioned, the room itself was clean as the room condition was not bad, with a lot of dust or a mildew-like feel. There are buses to and from Kumamoto Airport, and there seem to be quite a few buses if you don't want to walk to the station, so I felt it was a good place for a quiet rest. It was also disappointing that there were no places to eat around the hotel except for the udon restaurant 'Marugame', the Chinese-style 'Ringer Hut', and the convenience store (...) '7-Eleven' (if you look a little wider, there are no places to eat). There may be more... haha) (It makes me wonder if there was a Domino's Pizza flyer posted in the room... haha) 👍I liked this! - It was nice because it felt quiet! - The price was okay! - I didn't use it, but it was nice to have a variety of shampoos because it felt like a small consideration. - The bus to Kumamoto Airport stops in front of the hotel. 💧I was disappointed about this… - It's a bit far from the station (about 12 minutes on foot, but it's closer if you take the bus haha) - There are no good places to eat around the hotel (Marugame udon, Chinese food, 7-Eleven) - The hotel and rooms are classic in a good way, but they feel a bit old.

  • momo taro

    momo taro


    A large Kumamon was sitting on a chair in the lobby on the first floor, and my child fell in love with it during our stay. While I thought it was nice to have a good selection of shampoo bars, there was a hair dryer, but there was no rental card, so it was difficult to figure out how to borrow a hair dryer at first glance. The front desk staff asked me to bring my card several times, but I wish the front desk staff would have come out of the front counter and checked instead of having the customer confirm that they didn't have a card. Ta. Other than that, the parking lot was close to the hotel, which was good. The room is a little small.

  • Alex Grist

    Alex Grist


    Rooms need some serious improvements, but the friendly staff and especially the manager Mr Masao went out of their way to make my stay very comfortable.

  • Kohei



    I stay with two friends, but I don't feel narrow, dirty, smell bad.Slightly unsatisfactory, there's few kinds of vending machine.

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