Fukudaya en Unzen



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380-2 Obamachō Unzen, Unzen, Nagasaki 854-0621, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 957-73-2151
sitio web: www.fukudaya.co.jp
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 32.7377369, Longitude: 130.2605182

comentarios 5

  • ellen moran

    ellen moran


    Such a lovely hotel with a variety of options for bathing and high quality onsen water. The water is sulphuric and looks milky. You can also book a private onsen easily by asking at the desk. Everything is clean and towels are readily available. You will be so su-be su-be! The rooms are huge! A fresh coffee machine is there with English translation for the instructions. The beds are comfortable. They provide everything you need. Kaiseki is well presented, fresh and delicious. Cooking the live abalone was a unique experience that I do not want to repeat. Nevertheless, all the other food was perfect. We especially enjoyed the theatricality of the sashimi, presented on dry ice. Local ingredients are centre-stage but there's an element of fusion in the meal (e.g cheese fondue). All dining is in private rooms apart from the teppanyaki option.

  • mandu



    I stay with Fukudaya alone but I enjoyed my stay so much. Firstly, the food is wonderful, they really did a art of cooking with quality food. Private onsen is also the highlight, room is in japanese style with modern design, Staffs are all friendly and willing to help although I don't speak good Japanese. Will definitely stay here again

  • Liona Poon

    Liona Poon


    I am not sure if anyone has had a similar experience. I have booked Fuku via Agoda. Agoda has changed my booking to a cheaper room without notifying me. They are requesting a capscreen of the booking page to prove that I have indeed booked Fuku. I have used Agoda before and it has been reliable so I have never had to capscreen the booking page. Is it the hotel that is not honoring my booking through Agoda?

  • Pascal Gafner

    Pascal Gafner


    Great Ryokan to spend time in Unzen. The service is friendly and attentive. The rooms are a bit dated but well maintained. The hotels layout is a bit confusing, but they work hard to help you not get lost. The food is amazing and deserves 6 stars. Don't miss on eating here during your stay. For the onsen, there are 2 great outdoor baths and 2 indoor baths. At my time of stay it wasn't crowded and I had the bath for myself most of the time.

  • Ben



    The place is beautiful, the staff is nice and the bath will makes you feel like in a dream. You can also rent motorized bicycle and get to the Rope way in 30 minutes easily , there were no taxis available that day but it was finally a good luck. Riding on the quiet road with the great view was a lot of fun. With the Jigoku nearby, it’s just perfect!

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