White Gyoza w Hiroshima

JaponiaWhite Gyoza



🕗 godziny otwarcia

2-chōme-10-5 Misasamachi, Nishi Ward, Hiroshima, 733-0003, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 82-230-6178
strona internetowej: www.white-gyouza.co.jp
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 34.4131344, Longitude: 132.4522794

komentarze 5

  • S Honda

    S Honda


    I went to this store because it had a good reputation in my neighborhood. The restaurant opens at 5:00 p.m., and when we arrived at 5:05 p.m., it was already full and there was only a short wait. As expected, since this is a restaurant with a good reputation, I was excited to see that there were a lot of people coming in. I waited for about 10 minutes and was let in. Please order in advance before entering the store. Set meal with 8 gyoza pieces, set meal with 10 gyoza pieces. You can also choose from small, medium, or large servings of rice. It also comes with miso soup and kimchi. I ordered a small portion of 10 pieces. When I got to my seat, there were a lot of notes in front of me. ``Please to our customers Many customers are waiting outside. Concentrate on eating and speed up as much as possible. Enjoy your meal Please give me your seat. ” As expected, there are a lot of lines, so please eat quickly. I quickly ate the hot dumplings. Recently, smaller gyoza with thin skin have become popular, but here they are very large gyoza with thick skin. Although they were large, I was able to eat about 10 of them right away. The inside of the store isn't that clean. I guess it can't be helped since I'm covered in oil every day. However, the customers would feel more comfortable if the women were a little more friendly. I ate with a sense of shame due to the warnings in various places and the way they treated female customers. That was the only thing that was a little disappointing.

  • あらあらうふふ



    First visit on 2024/03, before 7pm on Saturday. There were about five people in line in front of the store. Write your name on a piece of paper and wait. After a while, you will be asked to write your order on paper, so write it down and submit it. This time, due to time constraints, additional questions were not allowed. I entered the store after waiting about 20 minutes. While you are seated and waiting, make the dipping sauce. Be careful as the spoon will go in too deep for the chili pepper. White dumplings arrived in about 10 minutes. Three people ordered 40 pieces, but they served it to us in two batches. I'm thankful that I can eat it piping hot. I've visited the white gyoza many times, including at the Kanazawa Daiichi Gyoza store and the Kawagoe store, and the Hiroshima store was always delicious. Thank you for the meal. I will visit you again if I have a chance. You can also take out. In that case, you can eat one piping hot white gyoza in front of the store. It's quite difficult to make fresh gyoza at home, so I imagine it's to confirm the taste of the correct answer.

  • てぃらの



    Up until now, I had only eaten takeout, but I visited for the first time just before 6pm on a Saturday. You will be guided to the counter and fill out the order form yourself to place your order. There are steamed dumplings on the menu, but there is a double line on the order sheet, so it seems that you cannot order them. I ordered a draft beer and a ``10-piece set meal (small rice)''. Even though it's a set meal, 10 gyoza, rice, miso soup, and kimchi cost over 1,000 yen, which I feel is expensive for someone like me who has been coming here for almost 30 years. The gyoza was brought to me and I was told, "One extra!" Now that I think about it, even when I ordered takeout, I got extra gyoza while I was waiting. As everyone has said, the gyoza are fluffy like bread. These dumplings are really unique and interesting. Hiroshima's only white gyoza was still alive and well.

  • Sean pv

    Sean pv


    Awesome gyoza, not the typical shape but tastes really good, nicely fried with good texture and filling taste.

  • Jonathan Morasch

    Jonathan Morasch


    Step 1: get a plate of gyoza, I recommend the 10 piece set (with miso, rice, and a small serving of kimchi). Bonus points if you go with a friend and get TWO 10 piece sets. Step 2: remark to yourself that you did in fact just order a plate of gyoza. Step 3: eat all of the gyoza. Dip it in the sauces at the table (spicy oil, soy sauce, vinegar, pepper flakes, garlic). Step 4: bask in the fact that you just ate the perfect amount of delicious gyoza.

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