Bayern Gion w Hiroshima

JaponiaBayern Gion



🕗 godziny otwarcia

Japan, 〒731-0113 Hiroshima, Asaminami Ward, Nishihara, 1-chōme−9−22 西洋菓子処バイエルン
kontakt telefon: +81 82-871-9977
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 34.435644, Longitude: 132.462966

komentarze 5

  • ゆうすけ



    Both the young staff and the veteran staff were very kind. The cake has the feel of an old-fashioned cake shop, and has a solid sponge. Mont Blanc is delicious. Sponge cake has a hard sponge, so we do not recommend it to those who are looking for the fluffy type that is trending these days. If you are looking for the latest cakes, I think you will be more satisfied if you go to the nearby Chateraise.

  • M Y

    M Y


    It's higher than I expected. The staff also seemed curt. Payment could only be made by cash, credit card, or PayPay. The pudding was delicious, but it was quite runny, not to my liking.

  • Kurisu Keisuke

    Kurisu Keisuke


    Cute store decoration. I look forward to coming every time as I wonder if it changes with the seasons. This time I bought honey instead of cake! The customer service was also polite and wonderful! ! I will visit again!

  • ジェイM my

    ジェイM my


    Since it was Christmas time, I bought some Stollen. It's a pretty good price, but I don't have any good feelings about cheap Stollen, so I bought it with high expectations. It's a classic authentic dish with dried fruits and nuts, and the dough was soft and delicious without being too sweet.I want to eat it all the time, but I'm being stingy with it. The store also has cutely wrapped baked goods and small items with sweets, making it a fun store full of Christmas vibes. We have a wide variety of products that are perfect for gifts 🎁 so keep an eye out for them 😁

  • 陽夜



    Since I live far from home, I often buy cakes for my family's birthdays, but this time I ordered an elaborate cake to celebrate my father and mother's 60th birthday. They were very considerate and we had a great celebration. The design of the cake is also very delicious. thank you very much. I would like to use it again.

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