Miraizaka Hiroshima Ekiminamiguchi w Hiroshima

JaponiaMiraizaka Hiroshima Ekiminamiguchi



🕗 godziny otwarcia

Japan, 〒732-0822 Hiroshima, Minami Ward, Matsubarachō, 10−10 1HIROSHIMAFULLFOCUS3F
kontakt telefon: +81 50-2019-7245
strona internetowej: miraizaka.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 34.3969142, Longitude: 132.4730352

komentarze 5

  • 株式会社家具工房ゆうき



    I arrived at Hiroshima Station at 9:00pm on a quick business trip. After checking in to the hotel, I went to a restaurant nearby to eat, but everywhere was closed for orders. Only! (Approximately) This was the only restaurant I was able to eat at because it had open hours. This restaurant is part of the Watami Group and has an image of high food safety. The recommended drink is ``Yamazaki Distillery 12 Years Old'' (Japanese whisky). This is a sister product for Suntory Yamazaki 12 years (OEM maybe) which has become difficult to obtain in recent years. Suntory Yamazaki replaces its storage barrels with oak barrels, mizuna oak barrels, or sherry barrels every few years, but this Yamazaki distillery only uses sherry barrels for aging. The appetizer is grilled mackerel! The food was brought to the table and grilled on the burner, so it looked good, performed well, and tasted great. It's also kind to your wallet.

  • Vahid Kreft

    Vahid Kreft


    Nice restaurant on the 3rd floor of the Full Focus building. The service tried to speak to us in English and there were also a few vegetarian dishes

  • Ultra Pleasure

    Ultra Pleasure


    Both the glove-fried and glove-yaki chicken thighs are large in volume, and the staff will cut them for you. The dashimaki egg mentai cheese and grilled mackerel were also delicious.

  • Sachdeva A

    Sachdeva A



  • Steven B

    Steven B


    Fantastic food, private booths, friendly staff. Best restaurant we've visited in Japan.

najbliższy Bar

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