Ramen Fujimoto w Hiroshima

JaponiaRamen Fujimoto



🕗 godziny otwarcia

5-7 Shinjōchō, Nishi Ward, Hiroshima, 733-0801, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 82-537-0248
strona internetowej: ww4.enjoy.ne.jp
większa mapa i wskazĆ³wki
Latitude: 34.4246941, Longitude: 132.4532013

komentarze 5

  • wwwoowww1113



    This is my first visit. Ujina's Eight Men is really delicious and is it from the same chain? It seems to be the original seafood restaurant, so I went there. I knew this because I read the comments section and prepared before going, but I didn't hear anyone say "Thank you for coming" or "Thank you very much", so I thought it made sense. I didn't want to go home feeling sick, so after I ate, I looked him in the eye and said thank you for the meal, and he said thank you very much, albeit quietly (lol). It's ramen, but it's definitely delicious. I made a large serving of saury with soy sauce. deep taste However, I like Ujina's Eight Men because it's richer, punchier, and more addictive. I like this There are so many different kinds of food that I would like to go back again, but I don't like how the store is so lifeless and desolate. Looks like a wake venue I can't recommend this to my friends I have a friend who seems to be angry, so I can't bring him with me. That is troublesome

  • Katetip Maeda

    Katetip Maeda


    Too salty

  • J Durant

    J Durant


    This place is amazing. Best ramen in Hiroshima. If you have the ability, please eat here. The ramen is really one of a kind. They add different fats and oils into the ramen that really change it from other styles of ramen. Their main focus is types of seafood ramen. They also have a coffee ramen, which I think is their best. It has amazing tasting notes. You can get double noodles and chasyu as well. They have some side orders of rice and some other toppings as well. They now do delivery on some delivery apps. I highly suggest it. It is a soba noodle and not ramen though.

  • MrGaooooo




  • bsntb 015

    bsntb 015


    I ate saury Ramen , price is 950 yen. Please be prepared and eat because the saltiness is strong.

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