Unzen Sky Hotel en Unzen

JapónUnzen Sky Hotel


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323-1 Obamachō Unzen, Unzen, Nagasaki 854-0621, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 957-73-3345
sitio web: www.unzen-skyhotel.com
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 32.7416598, Longitude: 130.2604562

comentarios 5

  • Jacinta Oakley

    Jacinta Oakley


    Wonderful location and facilities. Modern and clean rooms and lovely Onsens. The staff were all incredibly friendly and helpful. Thank you for a great stay.

  • Christophe Meyer

    Christophe Meyer


    Good hotel with a hot springs bath inside. The Japanese style room was quite spacious. The meals were nice and we struggled to finish dinner as there was so much food.

  • Apple Seed

    Apple Seed


    The room is really old, the website photo is super photoshop... But the worst, is the toilet and bathtub.. see my photos.. I don't even dare to step into it.. would you.. Will not return or recommend..

  • Winston Lee

    Winston Lee


    although it is old,the service there is very good,the food is also very traditional ,the hot tub water is straight from the volcano,so I think it is worth visiting.

  • Monika B.

    Monika B.


    Awesome! Very clean. Our room (western style, two beds) was huge and had a nice view. Onsen/rotemburo is also nice and clean. Areas for men and women change every day. I would definitely stay here again!!!

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