UNZEN Kanko Hotel en Unzen

JapónUNZEN Kanko Hotel


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320 Obamachō Unzen, Unzen, Nagasaki 854-0621, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 957-73-3263
sitio web: www.unzenkankohotel.com
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 32.7375314, Longitude: 130.2614905

comentarios 5

  • Taichi Omachi

    Taichi Omachi


    this hotel is prestigious "the japanese classic hotel" it takes 1h30m from nagasaki airport with car and there is free limousine bus that you need to offer to hotel if you want to use. we use here to cerebrate our first wedding anniversary and wife's birthday. the hotel restaurant is pleasant and dinner is all wonderful. the staff treat us with attentive service. we were very satisfied.

  • Dan Tinsley

    Dan Tinsley


    We had a little bit of a surprise when checking in, the hotel manager insisting he confirm my nationality despite my partner (Japanese) having booked the room - never had to do that before as a group and it was a little odd. That aside, it was a nice visit - the outdoor bath is very good, perfect temperate and relaxing. The staff were great generally and very helpful - it's a western style onsen, so beds instead of futons, western style breakfasts etc. Enjoyable for the bar and pool room too

  • Brad Edgeworth

    Brad Edgeworth


    Great service. Make you feel like royalty. Food was amazing. And hot springs were so refreshing.




    It is very classic hotel. I love the decor, especially the dining room.

  • Clifford Cohn

    Clifford Cohn


    Beautiful building, delicious food, wonderful staff.

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