Unzen Miyazaki Ryokan en Unzen

JapónUnzen Miyazaki Ryokan


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Japan, 〒854-0621 Nagasaki, Unzen, Obamachō Unzen, 320 1階
contactos teléfono: +81 957-73-3331
sitio web: www.miyazaki-ryokan.co.jp
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 32.7386214, Longitude: 130.2635777

comentarios 5

  • Kévin Loeuillet

    Kévin Loeuillet


    Perfect place to relax and forget about all your problems. Private onsen were great, the staff was so kind and the food was exquisite!! Will definitely try to come back again ! You can walk in the morning behind the hotel and visit the different "Jigoku Onsen" and there is a spot where you can buy Onsen Tamago, surrounded by cats, definitely recommend!

  • Anuar Ikhwan

    Anuar Ikhwan


    If you are looking for experience leaning more towards a more modern Japanese experience (as opposed to an extremely traditional one) this hotel is the place to go to. The room is extremely modern (non-traditional), but the experience is definitely traditional. The service level, food and amenities facilities are what you would expect from the Japanese people. Since this is winter, I would love to return during spring or autumn.

  • Har Jing Daryl

    Har Jing Daryl


    Service was impeccable. Very friendly staff. An old friendly grandma served us throughout our stay and she was very, very hospitable. Greeting right at arrival all the way to when we left, and they settled most of the check in and check out without hassle and quickly. Onsen was also amazing. There is a family onsen for each room for a maximum of 40mins if you are too shy.

  • Won Soon Lau

    Won Soon Lau


    Elegant interior and excellent service. The onsen bath water is harvested from the hot springs next to it. Fabulous view of the hot spring if your room has a window facing it.

  • Steven Kou

    Steven Kou


    Very beautiful building with lovely scenery. The service was incredibly friendly and efficient, and the room was comfortable. All the facilities were very clean and well maintained. Food was delicious as well.

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