Turtle Inn Nikko w Nikko

JaponiaTurtle Inn Nikko


brak informacji

🕗 godziny otwarcia

2-16 Takumichō, Nikko, Tochigi 321-1433, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 288-53-3168
strona internetowej: www.turtle-nikko.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 36.7514117, Longitude: 139.5959886

komentarze 5

  • PC



    Nice people but the place needs a little renovation. Onsen is nice, but not always hot enough. Good value overall.

  • Kyle Murphy

    Kyle Murphy


    Quaint little hotel with traditional style rooms. Very helpful host who pointed out all points of interest around town. Nice onsen-style baths. One is 1-person, the other is 2-person sized.

  • Carolien de Blaaij

    Carolien de Blaaij


    Absolutely lovely staff. Really kind and sweet. The place has an excellent location: in walking distance from all sights in the middle of the good stuff. (10min from temples, 10min from bridge and still 10min from the amazing + quiet little hike to the gorge, with few tourists there). Rooms are simple and the place is a bit older, but at a great price. We booked last minute and other hotels were 50-100% more expensive. Each room has their own sink, there’s more than enough toilets + also extra separate sinks. Breakfast was very tasty (fruit, drinks, juice, and 3 thick slices of buttered toast and jam). Highlight: the two private onsen, available to use without added costs from 15-23h and 5.30-9.30am. I worried we might have to wait in line, but they were available almost all the time. Simply switch the sign to ‘occupied’ and it’s all yours. The owner was adorable.

  • Ben Sweet

    Ben Sweet


    Awesome and affordable spot to stay in Nikko. The owners are incredibly nice and helpful. The rooms are comfortable but a bit older. The private onsens are a great way to wind down. Location is convenient to many sightseeing spots and is a quick walk away from restaurants and a convenience store. Highly recommended!

  • Ayumi Melina E

    Ayumi Melina E


    Great stay in total. Clean rooms and great staff. The shared bath is actually two mini onsens. So, very nice if you like japanses style baths. The location is great as well. Especially since its close to one of 2 convenience stores in the area, close to the Temples and its right next to the river.

najbliższy Kwatera

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