Pension Logette Sanbois w Nikko

JaponiaPension Logette Sanbois


brak informacji

🕗 godziny otwarcia

1560 Tokorono, Nikko, Tochigi 321-1421, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 288-53-0082
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 36.7546035, Longitude: 139.6214731

komentarze 5

  • ayumi



    I was so tired and heartbroken that I was drawn to this place when I was traveling alone. The baths are reserved for each room, so I was able to relax, and Okasaan's delicious, warm food and smiles soothed me and filled my heart. It gave me the strength to do my best again tomorrow. I will live my life carefully and without rushing again! ◎ Mom will be back!

  • 猫女将



    It doesn't feel clean anyway. There is a lot of hair on the bath mat. In particular, the toilet in the room was unbelievably dirty with dirt rings, mold, and an old toilet seat cover. It's at a level where I suspect it hasn't been cleaned in years. You can feel the hospitality. I think everyone's comments are too lenient due to the pleasantness of the hostess, but I would like to make an honest comment for the sake of the inn. The food is usually delicious. Overall, I think the price is high.

  • Vittorio Schiavinato

    Vittorio Schiavinato


    We chose this ryokan because we wanted to experience a traditional hotel at a reasonable price. As soon as we arrived, from the outside, it looked like a witch's house, but I had to change my mind. The managers are very nice and helpful. He looks like Miyaghi! Nice rooms, bathroom for ofuro お風呂 spectacular with the view of the forest!

  • haili fry

    haili fry


    Beautiful location near a stream that u can hear at night, host was great. About 15-20 min walk into town and nearest restaurant but we enjoyed the beautiful walk . We stayed in the Japanese style room and where very comfortable.

  • Mar Pi

    Mar Pi


    Were we glad it was only a one night stay! The place being old isn't the problem. It can be old but clean. Unfortunately this isn't. You are greeted by an awful smell at the entrance, not sure what from, perhaps from the poor dog chained to his tiny rotten kennel. The room is dirty, with thick layers of dust accumulated no doubt by years of no proper cleaning, and this even inside the cupboard where your bedding is kept. The bathroom is disgusting. The bathtub and sink needs a good scrub, the shower curtain is moldy all over. The tiles are also moldy and stained. The toilet is gross. All this after noticing a sign at the desk requesting guests to be out of their room after 10am and for 5 hours because it's "cleaning time". Really poor value for your money. This was our only bad accommodation in Japan over a 3-week long trip staying in multiple places. NOT recommended!!!

najbliższy Kwatera

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