Nikko Tokanso w Nikko

JaponiaNikko Tokanso


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2335 Sannai, Nikko, Tochigi 321-1431, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 288-54-0611
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Latitude: 36.7568314, Longitude: 139.603315

komentarze 5

  • Vinca Chen

    Vinca Chen


    Really close to Nikki toshogu shrine and great service with van drop off to station. Rooms and hotel very dated though.

  • Kate



    Couldn't have had a better stay. The interior is old fashioned/traditional but clean and tidy. The bathing areas are lovely and clean (they are communal as would be expected). The staff are so lovely, couldn't have done more. The food is fantastic, could barely finish every meal there was so much. The staff would even explain what we're/how to eat, certain dishes. The location is very peaceful, it's in the park and away from the high street but easy walking distance from the main shops and very close to bus stops.

  • LuxTravels



    Very close to the main Toshōgu shrine, a walking distance to most of the tourist attractions. This was such a lovely ryokan experience. Food was great and the member of staff extremely polite.

  • R Chee

    R Chee


    This is a gem of a Ryokan. Think of it as a diamond in the rough. The decor is rustic albeit slightly dated. It is neat, tidy and clean. This is a very traditional inn. You have to take off your shoes at the entrance and they give you gowns (yakutas?) to wear around the premises. The staff are wonderful and very helpful. Though we have a language barrier.. they don't speak much English, with the help of Google Translate we were able to communicate. The inn has an attached onsen that guests can use. The usual onsen rules apply. As we were visiting during the off season.. there were not many guests. Many times I was the only chap in the pool. There is no time limit to the soaking. They also serve traditional breakfasts and dinners which costs extra above the room rate. About Y3300 per person for dinner and Y1200 for breakfast. It's actually quite worthwhile to have dinner because it's a real experience. Also there isn't many dining places in Nikko. Location-wise, Nikko Tokanso is about 5 mins easy walk to the World Heritage Nikko Temple District. It's a great base for your discovery of the Nikko area. It is a bit far from the station. I wouldn't recommend walking. There's a bus but we rented a car so we can go further away. Driving in rural Japan is stress-free. Most local roads have va 40/50 km/h limit and there is hardly any traffic. Besides the cars are so efficient. Highly recommend this as a place to stay

  • Del



    Very rustic Ryokan located conveniently to primary shrine area in Nikko. Facilities are basic with worn and dated interior. Communal shower area only, with hot spring bath area, but room had toilet and sink, plus mini split heat. Paraffin heaters heating the lobby for the cold nights. Breakfast was traditional and nice. Booked dinner in advance but was told upon arrival they could not do it. Don't have other local hotel experiences to compare against but overall it seemed like the property needs some investment. Has a complimentary shuttle to and from railroad station which was appreciated.

najbliższy Kwatera

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