Hotel Natural Garden Nikko w Nikko

JaponiaHotel Natural Garden Nikko


brak informacji

🕗 godziny otwarcia

1825-3 Hanaishichō, Nikko, Tochigi 321-1435, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 288-50-3070
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 36.7514832, Longitude: 139.583948

komentarze 5

  • Justina Fernando

    Justina Fernando


    Overall, I enjoyed my stay. The room was comfortable, the hotel itself gave a countryside vibe with a relaxing and elegant element. The facilities and the room were clean and the staff were accommodating. (Some staff speak English too!) I'd recommend availing the breakfast and dinner (especially) as the nearest convenience store takes a 15-minute walk and it closes at 9PM. They serve French course meals for dinner and it was such a great treat! Breakfast was great too as you'll get a healthy and hearty meal. I loved how my table was situated right next to the glass windows/porch so I got a good sunshine view in the mornings. The spa was great and is a must-try too! I got the outdoor hot spring myself most of the time as it wasn't crowded when I went. Imagine having a relaxing hot bath while staring at the nightsky! Also, if you're staying with friends or family, the lounge is a great space to play billiards or just read in silence. Location wise, it was fairly okay. It's in the middle of the tourist spots and can be accessed by bus. Take note that bus intervals take a while (around 20-30mins?) though.

  • D Bo

    D Bo


    The hotel is a bit outdated but has an old school charm; the shower didn't work (only super hot water came out) but this was made up for by the lovely public baths!! Great location a short bus ride (10 MNS) from the station and directly opposite the beautiful botanical gardens which are highly recommended!

  • お父さん



    I thought it was a nice hotel. The hotel was clean and well kept, and the staff was friendly and helpful. We did not feel any lack of other services. The price is more reasonable than others

  • Gabriel



    The pillows are awful, just get some decent pillows from Ikea ok, I don’t care how traditional they are, they are just the worst to sleep on - like a sack of wood chips. The saving grace of this place is the outside onsen. Oh yeah, it’s dope as hell. Love it! But yeah, fix your pillow problems, and maybe modernise the place a little, and serve nicer food. That’s all. Thank you for having us :)

  • Bastian Harth

    Bastian Harth


    Was very surprised about this place! A little bit far off so make sure to bring food for dinner. Otherwise, the onsen is very nice: You can sit inside and outside, the breakfast is decent, and staff are very helpful. The breakfast is not a buffet but a course. However, they offer a variety of drinks at the bar.

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