Tsumugi w Kumamoto




🕗 godziny otwarcia

12-11 Hanabatachō, Chuo Ward, Kumamoto, 860-0806, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81
strona internetowej: instagram.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 32.8007839, Longitude: 130.7060398

komentarze 5

  • sushi&Japanese food食べ歩き人

    sushi&Japanese food食べ歩き人


    June 2024 Come here late at night [Raamen Tsumugi] I came here because the chicken paitan was recommended. unfortunately sold out The poster also mentioned Amakusa Daioh's salt ramen, but that was also an anniversary limited edition menu. just normal Salt ramen 950 yen Bottled beer Asahi 600 yen Salt ramen has a clear soup that makes you feel good after drinking it. And as expected, super dry is delicious for ramen! ! It was a Michelin Bib Gourmand, I wonder what menu it is... Well, the ramen was mediocre! Thank you for the meal.

  • Aruki Tabe

    Aruki Tabe


    I had the chicken paitan ramen. It has a light taste and seems good to eat after drinking. When I ate it as ramen, I felt something was missing. It's also a popular restaurant, so if you like salt ramen, I think it's suitable for you.

  • mica Hpc

    mica Hpc


    I came here to try the chicken paitan, which was recommended by a gourmet friend as delicious. The door was open before the store opened, so I went in to see if it was open yet, but was told it wasn't open yet, so I had to wait in front of the door. A few minutes later, he came to put up a sign that said the store was open for business. Without a word... and just outside. I went in to see if there were other employees inside, but no one was there...I felt awkward so I decided to wait outside again. Of course, when the owner came back, he ignored us completely and went into the store. We just had a conversation about not having it yet... I feel bad so I'll quit. I went home. Exactly the same thoughts as others have written... However, I was intrigued by the chicken paitan that my gourmet friend recommended, so I went back a few hours later. When I entered the store, the owner had a very normal demeanor and didn't seem like a bad person at all. Maybe he's shy... I had the chicken soup. A really delicious soup with no chicken smell and a hint of ginger in the distance. It's so delicious that you'll want to drink it up. This is great on the way home from drinking. Salt ramen and chicken paitan were often ordered. As for the store owner's attitude, once you get inside, the customer service is generally good, so the initial impression was a waste. “Sorry to have kept you waiting, please.” I think this one word alone will increase the number of fans. It was delicious. I will go again.

  • 青


    I had the chicken paitan ramen. It's not the cloudy, bubbly type that is popular, but rather a clear soup. A refreshing yet delicious soup with a strong chicken flavor. The noodles are medium-thick and straight, but firm and quite chewy. I appreciate that it's open until late at night. However, I can't say that the customer service is good. . .

  • 馬場智浩



    I visited “Ramen Tsumugi” in Chuo Ward, Kumamoto City (^^) I visited you at the end of the after-party! Ramen is especially delicious when it's cold ^^ In the past, my standard choice was pork bone ramen, which was soggy after drinking it, but lately I've been eating lighter and refreshing salt and soy sauce more often. Go down the stairs to the basement. There are counter seats in the front and table seats in the back. There is salt ramen and soy sauce ramen, but I was really confused and went for salt ramen! ! ! It wasn't long before it was brought to me, but the clear soup with the noodles went down very well and I finished it in no time.The thinly sliced ​​char siu was also delicious. I would like to try the soy sauce ramen next time! ! Thank you for the meal! ! !

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