Nayuta w Kumamoto




🕗 godziny otwarcia

2-19 Tetorihonchō, Chuo Ward, Kumamoto, 860-0808, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 96-351-0502
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 32.803156, Longitude: 130.7090491

komentarze 5

  • tuty hiro

    tuty hiro


    Used at welcome and farewell parties. It was a tatami room on the second floor, but it was not a horigotatsu style. The stairs were steep and I was scared to go down after getting drunk. The food was delicious♪

  • Mican Mican

    Mican Mican


    23/12/29 I visited when I was traveling alone for my birthday. My friend Sugiyama-san recommended me to go to Nayuta if I was going to Kumamoto, and when I went in without a reservation, I was told that it was fully booked.When I explained the situation to the proprietress, she gave me permission to stay until my next reservation time. Enter ^_^ The restaurant had a nice atmosphere, and while the restaurant was busy with groups, my daughter was kind enough to order some chicken wings from the kitchen. It's one of the recommended menu items at this restaurant, and it was really delicious. The store manager was also a really nice person, and we had a great time talking about Mr. Sugiyama, and we even had a commemorative photo taken together, making it a wonderful birthday. Thank you to all the staff 🙏 When you come to Kumamoto, we highly recommend “Nayuta” 😉

  • あやぱん



    I wanted to eat horse sashimi and chicken tataki, so I looked at the menu at the entrance and visited on a whim. The food and drinks were served smoothly and I didn't feel like I had to wait. However, it is a very ordinary and bland shop. It makes me happy when I am asked if I would like to go there again. I was so happy to be able to drink Yamazaki Highball!

  • Laphroaig Bowmore

    Laphroaig Bowmore


    This is an izakaya where you can eat all kinds of Kumamoto gourmet food. We also have a variety of fresh chicken sashimi, and are they homemade? You can also eat mustard lotus root and Ichimonji Guruguru. The owner's reception is cheerful and polite, making this an izakaya highly recommended for people coming from outside the prefecture.

  • あとぜき



    The restaurant is famous for its birds, so the focus is on birds, but it was really delicious. The most recommended is the spicy chicken wings. The beer is going really well. And one thing you definitely want to try is chicken sashimi. You can't eat sashimi unless it's fresh, but it's an exquisite dish that allows you to enjoy the flavor and texture of the chicken. The gizzard skewers and horse sashimi were both delicious. Also, although I didn't take a photo, the cold tofu with the dashi soup was delicious. Due to the coronavirus, there weren't many people, so we were able to have it privately. When you enter the store, we thoroughly check your body temperature and disinfect your hands, so you can feel safe using our store.

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