Tsukemen Gyorai w Kumamoto

JaponiaTsukemen Gyorai



🕗 godziny otwarcia

2-chōme-3-37 Tsuboi, Chuo Ward, Kumamoto, 860-0863, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 96-344-0611
strona internetowej: gyorai.co
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 32.8088518, Longitude: 130.7137837

komentarze 5

  • Thaddeus Liew

    Thaddeus Liew


    We’re there at 620pm, and there was no one queuing so we thought the hype for this restaurant was over. We were so wrong! Few minutes after, the line was so long😅 There’s no English translation for the ticket machine. We went for the 味玉鱼雷tsukemen, which was with an egg. The staff will also ask which size of noodle you want (Small/Regular/Large). It’s spicy 🌶️ really spicy but so good. The dipping broth and the texture of the noodle were wonderful 🤩 For those who doesn’t eat that spicy, maybe you can scoop out some chili powder. Sweat a little during the meal. Once we stepped out of the restaurant the chilled weather made it even better. Worth to come!

  • Ash M

    Ash M


    Food were super hot Tasty and enjoyable

  • David Zhou

    David Zhou


    If you like a thick fish broth, this is the place to go. If you don't, try somewhere else. I tried the regular, and my friend had the curry, both very tasty. If you like something sour to cut the fishiness, I'd recommend the plum(ume). The broth is very fishy but not smelly. If there's a line, they'll have you order at the machine and then wait. They'll take your order so they can prepare your order while you wait. They'll ask you two questions: 1 - How cooked do you want your noodle? And 2 - what amount do you want? I believe a large serving of noodles is free. If you have a big appetite, you can also purchase rice to add the sauce to it.

  • Gary Lee Shaw Yong

    Gary Lee Shaw Yong


    In ramen, it's often used in wari-soup to reheat and thin out remaining tsukemenbroth. Gyokai - Fish, or seafood. It's often used in describing the broth. Also see gyokaitonkotsu

  • Carl Griesy

    Carl Griesy


    “Tsukemen” also known as dip ramen, this place is the best in town. May have to wait a bit and long lines to enter but it’s worth it. Bring your appetite.

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