Oen Kagomachi w Kumamoto

JaponiaOen Kagomachi



🕗 godziny otwarcia

Japan, 〒860-0801 Kumamoto, Chuo Ward, Anseimachi, 5−16 カリーノ駕町ビル 2F
kontakt telefon: +81 96-325-2363
strona internetowej: f236400.gorp.jp
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 32.8013179, Longitude: 130.7097537

komentarze 5

  • Lam Floren

    Lam Floren


    I visited a lot of home-brewed restaurants nearby, and they all required reservations in advance. I asked about four of them. Fortunately, this one has a private room next to it. The sashimi platter is inexpensive and fresh, and the skewers are at a normal level.

  • ありんこ



    It's neither good nor bad The Amakusa Daioh lava grill was delicious. It's a local Kumamoto dish, so people from outside the prefecture might like it. The cheapest course is 4,000 yen. There are courses for every 1,000 yen after 4,000 yen, but this time I got the 5,000 yen course. All-you-can-drink was 1,000 yen, which was cheap.

  • j yoko

    j yoko


    I went there because I wanted to eat horse sashimi. The 3 types of platter and liver sashimi were both very delicious! I was able to watch and talk to the chefs in front of the counter preparing the fish while I was drinking slowly, so even if you were on your own, you could enjoy the restaurant without any hesitation. Wide variety of alcoholic beverages

  • とととおる



    The food was very delicious and the customer service was great! I would like to go again if I have a chance❗

  • NI TS

    NI TS


    This time it is located on the 2nd floor of Carino Kagamachi Building, 5-16 Anseicho, Chuo-ku, Kumamoto City. Go to the Takamachi store. It is used at banquets. A 5,000 yen course including all-you-can-drink. Mr. Go on the 1st floor is also a member of the group. The store has semi-private rooms, private rooms, and counters. Cheers with draft beer! ! The beer glass is fine. (#^^#) The course menu is Appetizer: Wasabi leaves tossed with cream cheese Sashimi: Two types of sashimi The sashimi is fresh and has a nice texture. Kawaribachi homemade masu-jiku tofu There was an explanation, and first I had it with salt. The rest is up to you. Cold food Special salad Caesar salad with bacon and spinach Boiled dish: Soft boiled beef tendon Fried food: fried oysters Lava Lava-grilled domestic young bird Meal: Assortment of two kinds of thin rolls Sweet seasonal dessert Thank you for the meal.

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