Kumamoto Hotel Castle w Kumamoto

JaponiaKumamoto Hotel Castle



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Wtorekotwarte 24 godziny
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Sobotaotwarte 24 godziny
4-2 Jōtōmachi, Chuo Ward, Kumamoto, 860-8565, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 96-326-3311
strona internetowej: www.hotel-castle.co.jp
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 32.8051193, Longitude: 130.7097893

komentarze 5

  • Debbi Misanin

    Debbi Misanin


    Beautiful hotel with outstanding service and amenities. We had a terrific view of the castle from our room.

  • Susan



    Superb location in town close to everything - food, shopping, convenience stores, and the biggest attraction Kumamoto castle. It feels a bit aged and you can tell in the rooms particularly, but the location and service made up for it. Parking was easy and on site for ¥1,000 per night. There is a viewing area on the top floor where you get an unblocked view of the castle. Would stay again if I come to Kumamoto!

  • Alec McGuire

    Alec McGuire


    One of the best stays I’ve had in Japan. Super friendly staff and very helpful. They let us store our luggage before check-in and after check-out so we could keep exploring without the burden. The breakfast was the best hotel breakfast we’ve had in our 3 weeks in the country. So good. We got a cheap room for two people with two beds and we didn’t expect it to be as nice as it was and as comfortable. Would stay here again definitely. And such a great location, close to plenty of transportation and right next to Kumamoto Castle for easy exploration.

  • Geri Moorman

    Geri Moorman


    An oasis of calm! Larger rooms than normal Japanese hotels, so instant relaxation. Great location next to castle and restaurants. Good quality breakfast.

  • NB



    Many decades hotel but still keep in good condition. Unfortunately our room has no view of castle. Staffs are helpful and well trained. Parking is available with additional charge.

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