テラスレストラン ピアレ en Sapporo

Japónテラスレストラン ピアレ



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Japan, 〒064-0810 Hokkaido, Sapporo, Chuo Ward, Minami 10 Jōnishi, 3-chōme−1, 3丁目1−1 札幌パークホテル
contactos teléfono: +81 11-511-3136
sitio web: www.park1964.com
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 43.0476213, Longitude: 141.3560827

comentarios 5

  • Kinoko



    The food was delicious. The male staff member who was setting the table nearby was worse. There were several other customers besides us, but they made loud noises, dragged chairs and tables, and threw the "Reserved Seats" tags around, making it really noisy. is. He also dropped a towel on the floor and set it on the table. Even though it's in a bag, I put things I picked up from the floor on the table where I eat... Moreover, the moment I picked up the towel, his eyes met mine. I thought, ``I'm not going to replace it.'' Even though it was a reasonably priced hotel, I felt like I was able to see the side of it that was like a family restaurant in the area. I'm sorry.




    It's a cafe where you can spend a pleasant time and the staff is very polite. It is adjacent to Nakajima Park, so I stopped by after taking a walk in the park ^ ^ I was guided to a seat overlooking a cute garden, and after ordering a cake set, I wondered if I could use Wi-Fi. While I was having a conversation with him, he quickly brought me a card with the Wi-Fi password written on it ^ ^ You can choose from three types of cake set, and when I ordered the Basque cheesecake, it went perfectly with the autumn-like marron ice cream! And it was perfect with delicious tea ♪ Also, the bread sold here is very delicious (^^) Depending on the day, there is also a bread day limited set, so you can eat it at a great value ♪ Although it is not included in the limited set and must be refrigerated, the coronet is especially recommended as it is heavy on custard. 2024.02 added I visited again for the first time in 2 years♪ I received a DM offering a discount on afternoon tea for members only, and I tasted this month's theme "Chocolate" set ^ - ^ As always, the customer service was polite and we had a great time! There were some empty seats, but it's busy even on weekdays, so I recommend making a reservation.

  • 佐咲桜



    I often use Kitara and came here for a meal. You can enjoy your meal while looking out at the garden, giving you an elegant feeling. Since it's a hotel, if you're going to eat pasta for lunch, it's better to order it as a set rather than ordering it individually. The restrooms are in the lobby on the 1st floor of the hotel, but since it's an older hotel, it's kept clean, but it feels old.

  • ぽっちゃん



    2022.12.23 Visited the Christmas buffet for 90 minutes for 8,000 yen from 6pm. The roast beef fillet is exquisite. A number of dishes that let you feel the taste of the ingredients. The Christmas-colored sweets also have a satisfying taste. However, there were fewer dishes than I expected, and I felt that 8,000 yen was expensive.

  • Oumi Mihoko (Yasumi)

    Oumi Mihoko (Yasumi)


    I used it for Christmas lunch. The staff at the restaurant behaved neatly, and I think the color and taste of the food was good. There's just one thing...I don't know if the baguette that came out in the middle of the course was overcooked or if it wasn't moist enough (leftover?)! And it's difficult to tear. When I finally put it in my mouth, it hit me like a rock and made an embarrassing crunching sound that I thought everyone around me could hear. I thought about asking for a replacement, but I put up with it and ate it. My mouth hurt a little. When I glanced at the customers at the tables on either side of me who came later, I noticed that they weren't really browned, and they were just having a casual conversation as they tore off pieces and ate them, so it turned out that our portions had been overcooked and hard. I think. For that reason I reduced one star.

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