Jingisukan Daruma 4・4 Nikaitei en Sapporo

JapónJingisukan Daruma 4・4 Nikaitei



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Japan, 〒064-0804 Hokkaido, Sapporo, Chuo Ward, Minami 4 Jōnishi, 4-chōme, 1F
contactos teléfono: +81 11-551-8844
sitio web: sapporo-jingisukan.info
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 43.0548577, Longitude: 141.352447

comentarios 5

  • Hanh Nhung Nguyen

    Hanh Nhung Nguyen


    There is only one branch opening at lunch. It opens from 11:30 but we have been in queue since 11:15. Luckily, we could get seats right after it opened. The rice was so sticky and soft. The meat had no smell and taste umai.

  • SY Seng

    SY Seng


    The lamb really taste good and fresh. Super yummy.no smell at all. The service is good. They are friendly. MUST try.

  • Sylvia Tomasu-Dunn

    Sylvia Tomasu-Dunn


    I don’t understand what’s hype. The line is long. The food was bland. The sauce was bland, just soy sauce and sesame. The price is outrageous! One small plate cost ¥1650 to ¥1850 just for little meat. It came wirh onion and green onion. Rice is different price. We spent ¥11500 and still hungry. Will never come back. Sorry! 🥲🥲🥲

  • Yoshio Hasegawa

    Yoshio Hasegawa


    The staff were nice, I’m not sure what other reviewers are talking about. They are doing their job and deal with hundreds of people daily. The food was okay. Not amazing but not bad. I think Daruma is pretty hyped up. It’s good but, nothing exceptional. Just standard barbecued meat. Also a bit pricey.

  • Ian L

    Ian L


    There are 2 floors for this restaurant, each has a separate queue. The restaurant is small with only bar seating, so prepare to wait in line. The lamb was delicious and worth the wait. We ordered additional servings of it.

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