Osuke en Sapporo




🕗 horarios

Japan, 〒064-0806 Hokkaido, Sapporo, Chuo Ward, Minami 6 Jōnishi, 4-chōme, ライトビル
contactos teléfono: +81 11-520-4333
sitio web: oosuke.co.jp
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 43.0529513, Longitude: 141.3526464

comentarios 5

  • マダムグルメ



    I heard that it was a popular Robata restaurant and immediately made a reservation. The tank is full of hairy crabs. The Atka mackerel, which costs close to 3000 yen, is worth the price. There were only 2.3 types of sake available. We were seated for up to 2 hours, but it was plenty.

  • 堀智貴



    Dinner with a friend The bluefin tuna is delicious. Is Atka mackerel sashimi (anisaki processed) rare? The taste is a little watery. Herring sashimi is exquisite! delicious! The knife is also great and I don't have to worry about the small bones at all! I couldn't decide which refill lol We also have delicious Japanese sake. Is it for tourists? Thank you for the meal m(_ _)m

  • 山崎吞太郎(アル中)



    I was invited on my first visit to Susukino✨ Robata Daisuke main store🦀 Former giant Shinnosuke Abe, who loves masters, Rare bats, gloves, uniforms and shoes, It was on display 😘 The store also has a wide variety of seafood, The drinks and food were also great 😋 The sashimi, hair crab, and shellfish were amazing😁 Herring sashimi? Super delicious🥰🥰🥰 The response from store staff and students, Aegyo went well and everyone was very satisfied 🎉 This time it was a course, but the individual items also look delicious 💮 I would like to go again if I have a chance 😋

  • George Chan

    George Chan


    yummy and fair price!

  • A Lin

    A Lin


    The taste was not as good as expected. But I think their strong points are the atmosphere, how they decorated the restaurant, and the service. The price was a bit high for me when I first looked at the menu, but it came out into the big dishes that I think it can be even shared with a group of three or four.

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