Takaya w Nishiizu



brak informacji

🕗 godziny otwarcia

1506-1 Tago, Nishiizu, Kamo District, Shizuoka 410-3515, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 558-53-0013
strona internetowej: www.mjnet.ne.jp
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 34.8032544, Longitude: 138.7640245

komentarze 5

  • かめきち



    The food had very good reviews on a certain travel site, so I decided to use it on my trip to Izu. Although it is a small and old inn, we received a very warm welcome. Although the bath and room were not luxurious, they were well maintained and I was able to use them comfortably. All the dishes were wonderful and satisfying!

  • groundhoggie



    Looking at the low tide time the next day, it looked like it would be a good time to see the tombolos of Dogashima, so I came to Tago to take pictures of the sunset and Nishi-Izu. When I went out, I left the key with them and asked them to open the entrance.The morning sun woke me up before my alarm went off, so when I went for a walk and took some photos of the early morning scene, an old man came to the entrance of the inn. It was opened and I was able to see the fishing port town early in the morning. Breakfast was included, and I had a luxurious breakfast in the morning, which was different from my usual travel experience. There is a bath in each room and a shared bath, and a toilet in each room. The room is air-conditioned and the sleeping area is a futon.

  • とし



    2022.6 I came back for diving. Breakfast is delicious and WiFi is available. Convenient location, but there is no convenience store. 2021.10.9 I came to Takaya again when I went diving in Tago. Breakfast only plan costs 8,250 yen. Breakfast or dinner? It's a menu you'd expect from a Japanese inn, but it's quite luxurious. There are also restaurants around here, so you can go elsewhere for dinner. However, there is no convenience store unless you go to Dogashima. We are taking proper measures against the coronavirus. I was interested in enjoying the Tago sea to the fullest, so I stopped by. It's more of a guesthouse than a hotel, but the host and his wife were friendly and helpful, as it is a long-established inn. For dinner, we had spiny lobster, abalone, red grouper, bonito, tuna sashimi, salted bonito with tea, simmered sea bream, tuna belly sukiyaki, bonito carpaccio, bonito flakes, rice, vinegared food, and beer. I feel full and tired (lol) The bath is not a hot spring, just a larger version of the bath at home. It seems like the breakfast is luxurious, but I have no complaints about the food at this restaurant. I'm using GO TO, but I want to come again. I want to bring my wife. I'd like to have breakfast from 0730 or 0800. There were a lot of them from the morning. Ise lobster miso soup, grilled fish, hot spring eggs, hijiki, seaweed, and probably 2 cups of rice. Happy pain.

  • co Ri

    co Ri


    I stayed at Fujinokuni in the summer (before the Manbou ban was issued) using a travel voucher. As it is a culinary inn, the food was luxurious and delicious! Needless to say, the spiny lobster and abalone are great, but personally, I really liked the cold shrimp soup. The bath has boiling water, but it's clean and has a small jacuzzi, so you can relax. I think it would be a good idea to go to one of Dogashima's public hot springs. The host was very kind, and although I had originally booked a plan for dinner and breakfast, I asked them to change the plan to one without breakfast due to the ferry and the typhoon, and they kindly agreed. We apologize for the inconvenience...The Suruga Bay Ferry was half price for prefectural residents, but I'm afraid of cancellations during typhoon season...) This inn is especially recommended for those who value food.

  • k t

    k t


    Although the inn is located in a very quiet town, you can enjoy a variety of fresh and delicious dishes such as spiny lobster, abalone, redfish, turban shell, bonito, whitebait, and flounder. I can't find any words other than very satisfied with both dinner and breakfast. The host and landlady were friendly and made me feel very quiet and relaxed.

najbliższy Kwatera

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