La Posada w Izu

JaponiaLa Posada



🕗 godziny otwarcia

46 Toi, Izu, Shizuoka 410-3302, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 558-98-2227
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 34.9151453, Longitude: 138.7879737

komentarze 5

  • Glen



    This place was wonderful! Great hospitality, delicious pizza and nice Mexican beers! The owners are very kind and shared awesome stories about their legendary father who was a Judo master! Highly recommend to come here and stay sleep and rest. Enjoy! Thanks La Pasada family! Gracias!!!

  • Laurel Stelzer

    Laurel Stelzer


    We recently enjoyed a spectacular 2 nights at La Posada. As Americans living in Japan, we missed our easy access to Mexico and all its culinary wonders. La Posada serves up all the goodness of a Mexican retreat, not only in the food department, but also in its colorful decor, welcoming staff, laid back space and proximity to the clearest ocean water right outside their door. We visited as two families - 4 adults and 5 kids in total. We sat at a long dinner table and were served course after course of authentic Mexican goodness, in Spanish no less! The mole was incredible, and also of note was the enchiladas rojas vegetarianas, tostada guacamole and the fresh Izu strawberry margarita. Tres leches and flan rounded out each of our dinners. Breakfast time brought the aroma of fresh bread with homemade jams and lots of coffee. The Izu peninsula was a spectacular beauty in cherry blossom season, with yama sakura dotting pale pink on the steep slopes over every tunnel. We day tripped to Dogashima to scramble on the rocks and peer into the sea caves (inaccessible on our visit due to high seas). We took a picnic lunch to the rocks at the Anjo Cape. We finished the day with a family onsen at La Posada, which has two separate lockable baths for the guests. Such a wonderful retreat from Tokyo, and a perfect way to sate our homesickness during COVID.

  • Damien Buswell

    Damien Buswell


    A beautifully appointed Mexican themed inn with exceptional inside/outside private onsen, and is owned/operated by a proud family with Olympic sport heritage. Upstairs, the rooms are clean with charming Mexican furniture and artwork. Downstairs the restaurant provides home grown and locally sourced Mexican food, alcohol and condiments. My favourite was the Tamales with organic jalapenos. The onsen is private so it is good for families, and there is a step-through to an outside garden onsen which is a real treat! A lot of the customers are returning, which says much more about this place than I ever can on a review.

  • Andrew McPherson

    Andrew McPherson


    My partner and I visited La Posada as we had never been to Toi, or anywhere on the Izu peninsular of Japan. Let me start by saying Toi is a beautiful seaside town, that is a welcome change if you're travelling and need a break from the hectic nature of Tokyo or Osaka. There are picturesque Shinto shrines and lovely views of the coast. Our stay at La Posada was tranquil and Karina and Oscar were hospitable and welcoming hosts. The food was top-notch, and Oscar is quite the character, giving us anecdotes about the food and Japanese/Mexican culture. Finally, the hot springs were a relaxing and private way to enjoy Japanese tradition conveniently and comfortably. If you are in Toi, or need a break from the hectic Japanese cities, please visit La Posada. Andrew and Amanda.

  • B Gladstone

    B Gladstone


    It is miracle of japanese hospitality and Mexican simpatico. Very authentic traditional Mexican meals were wonderful and large. Thanks to Oscar and the family.

najbliższy Kwatera

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