Itoen Hotel Toi w Izu

JaponiaItoen Hotel Toi


brak informacji

🕗 godziny otwarcia

3864 Yagisawa, Izu, Shizuoka 410-3303, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 570-040-780
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 34.90302, Longitude: 138.7824646

komentarze 5

  • Andrew Jarvinen

    Andrew Jarvinen


    What appears to be once a grand hotel it has seen better days. There are smells of mold and neglect throughout. It feels run-down. The buffet was OK, crab legs were very popular. Appeared to have quite a few families and larger groups. It has a nice view but the gorgeous view of Mt fuji is blocked.

  • A J

    A J


    Ageing hotel with nice views and popular buffet dinner. Positives: - Free karaoke, small arcade, mahjong room etc. - Nice view of the water from your room - Buffet dinner offers a lot of options and seems very popular - Room was spacious Negatives: - Strong mouldy/musty smell - everything is worn out and in desperate need of renovation - someone will direct you where to park and there is a good chance you will be parked in making it feel like you are trapped at the hotel. Made it difficult to explore the area.

  • rubyjewlcold



    I stayed in a single room. It was basically a shoebox with cobwebs and stains on the bed sheets. However, the hotel itself and the bigger rooms are all absolutely gorgeous. The staff is phenomenal and the extras like the karaoke room and billiards and whatnot make it totally worth it. Not to mention that the dinner buffet had so much food that I think I ate for three people. Give it a Solid 4 out of five. The food and stuff totally makes up for the room.

  • Calvin Cheung

    Calvin Cheung


    I was a solo traveller with a mount view room for 2 nights (with both breakfast and dinner) in Toi. I travel with regional JR pass. First of all, the room is not bad as I expected a single room anyway. The breakfast was disappointing but the dinner was OK since alcohols are included. But my point is, don't stay for more than one night especially for solo traveller, the town is boring and the gold mine only need an hour to finish. Not much to see in the town and the hotel is boring, too. One night is enough and you can cover the nice sunset view, and you need to go further south to see mount Fuji because it is blocked by a hill from the hotel. Bike rental is free (electric bike but it is not for sport for sure!) but only for 2 hours, you cannot have an adventure with it. The bus run every hour and it takes an hour back to the train station. And, since there is not much to do in the town and hotel, spending nights is a waste of time.

  • Luke McConnell

    Luke McConnell


    I have stayed here twice. I highly recommend a room with a private onsen, the room itself is a great experience. If you get a room with an ocean view, you can still have a good experience because the hotel onsen is nice. There is no doubt the food could be better, but the meal presentation was fine and nothing ran out. The hotel common areas are aging a bit and could use some attention and an update. However, it is a good deal for the price (which includes all-you-can-drink alcohol with dinner).

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