Dogashima Onsen Hotel w Nishiizu

JaponiaDogashima Onsen Hotel


brak informacji

🕗 godziny otwarcia

2960 Nishina, Nishiizu, Kamo District, Shizuoka 410-3514, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 558-52-0275
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 34.7870298, Longitude: 138.7630885

komentarze 5

  • Joyce Lee

    Joyce Lee


    The location is the main attraction of this hotel. They are right next to the Dogashima land crossing and ocean view rooms offer a beautiful scenery. There are very few hotels in this area so they do have the market cornered, so to speak. The properly is old and very much in need of repair. Water damaged exterior, paint peeling interior, dirty windows and rooms smell of mold. We paid the equivalent of a Tokyo/ Osaka 4-star hotel half-board for one night’s stay. The key difference being there there was no service provided by Dogashima Onsen Hotel: you pour your own drinks at happy hour, no meals included or futon preparation service. The pool was closed and the women’s sauna was not working during our visit, neither was mentioned by the front desk at check in. This is two weeks before the start of summer season. There is very minimal non-Japanese signage on the property. I read a little kanji so was able to get around, but it is clear the hotel still primarily caters for domestic guests. It felt like we were promised a beautiful horse but received a donkey. I will not be staying here again.

  • Stier



    I love this place! The staff is very kind and the view is top notch is a must if you want to visit Japan for sure!

  • Hui Liu

    Hui Liu


    Spacious hotel with good quality spring water!

  • Jeremiah Martonia

    Jeremiah Martonia


    The hotel has a very modern interior design which fascinated me but was able to retain the japanese culture through their room designs and amenities. Very nice place to stay overnight and had fun during the day at the beach or pool.

  • Jon Salz

    Jon Salz


    Picture perfect seaside outdoor bath. Minus one star for cheesy elevator music playing throughout the hotel.

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