Dogashima Hotel Tenyu w Nishiizu

JaponiaDogashima Hotel Tenyu



🕗 godziny otwarcia

2962 Nishina, Nishiizu, Kamo District, Shizuoka 410-3514, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 558-52-1234
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 34.7874814, Longitude: 138.7625385

komentarze 5

  • Julie Ho

    Julie Ho


    Breakfast and dinner is included when you book the room. Staff members are friendly. This place got a nice view can see the sea and Tombolo Land Bridge. Room are nice and clean. The breakfast and dinner is delicious. They got private onsen but need to paid. Public onsen is included.

  • Wilson Yuan

    Wilson Yuan


    We went in December 2023. By far, the best service I have ever received. When we got to the hotel by car, a staff member saw us (before we even saw them!) and ran out to greet us personally and offered to take our bags inside for us. She was very accommodating in speaking both English and easy Japanese. She fitted us with yukatas and showed us to our rooms. At dinner it was also her who sat us down and served our kaiseki meal. 10/10 peak Japanese hospitality. Other than the hospitality, the onsens were average size but the view was amazing. They even have milk vending machines! Only regret was that it was raining when we went.

  • Phei San Oon

    Phei San Oon


    September 2019 summer. Such beautiful scenery from the hotel lobby, a fantastic hotel with breathtaking scenery at the hotel backyard. Love the omsen and great service. Just walk out from hotel lobby, you can view the stunning sunset view, location is fantastic. Take out one star for the hotel need a bit of mantainance.

  • Hongzhi Chen

    Hongzhi Chen


    Very nice seaside hotels, sunset was amazing. The food is just ok. Service is nice. There is a vending machine which sells milk in the base floor, don't miss it, the milk is cheap and delicious. They are strict about the check in time (15:00), and only on therapist for massage, so arrange your activities in advance would be very helpful.

  • Eryk Seah

    Eryk Seah


    Excellent service and deserves to be a 6 star hotel/Ryokan. Hotel staffs displayed qualities of an utmost gracious hosts, welcoming us warming by the lobby. Japanese lady who serves us food every morning and evening was also very polite and cheerful. Location is perfect to watch sunset. Onsen has a beautiful outdoor area which I enjoyed throughout. Wonderful place to stay and would come back. Well done.

najbliższy Kwatera

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