Tagawa Hospital en Tagawa

JapónTagawa Hospital


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10-18 Kamihonmachi, Tagawa, Fukuoka 826-0023, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 947-44-0460
sitio web: www.s-tagawa-hp.tagawa.fukuoka.jp
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 33.6238568, Longitude: 130.7985769

comentarios 5

  • aa a

    aa a


    My grandfather was hospitalized for plastic surgery. The nurse told me not to call the nurse because there aren't many people at night! That's what I was told. Thanks to this, my grandfather, who can't walk, was kept in a diaper until morning. I can't even get my diaper changed. The nurse never told me the schedule for an appointment with the doctor, and the caseworker ended up contacting me on the day saying, ``Are you going to come today?'' reception? nurse? They also try to make me sign without any explanation, which is the worst.

  • Motoyuki Nagao

    Motoyuki Nagao


    I was in the hospital, and I dropped my phone while I was in the hospital, so I called to pick it up, and a female nurse said to me, ``Why did you drop your phone? Don't drop it!'' he scolded me. Later, when I consulted about my illness, the doctor who diagnosed me at the time and the social worker in charge have not resigned, so I can't help you. To such a meaningless response? ? was. Get tested once a year at Tagawa Hospital. I told them that and went to get the medical information, but I had to wait for almost 6 hours and the person with the title of consultant said to me, ``I haven't even eaten lunch.'' So, what did you come here for?'' was all she said. Actually, I don't want to give stars or anything.

  • Mika Pativa

    Mika Pativa


    I'd rather not work here. Even though temporary staff are given a monthly salary of about 500,000 to 600,000 yen. A full-time employee works 7 or 8 night shifts and doesn't even make 250,000 yen including allowances. This is the way it is even in the middle. If you are a new hire, your salary will still be lower than this. Unpaid overtime is commonplace. Paid wages will also disappear. Is there a total of 2 bonuses for July and December? Therefore, the monthly bonus will be less than 200,000 yen. There are no naps for night shifts. You have to keep doing it. There's no way we can provide proper medical care. The only people left are those from the era when salaries were good. I wonder where the money is flowing. Labor standards are also unreliable. It's better to just stop.

  • ハルル



    A relative was hospitalized. The attitude of the HCU nurse who responded to the admission was the worst. I can't make eye contact with them, and even when I ask them questions, they seem too pressured. I don't want to see this kind of person. From my experience, people like this are just prideful people with no skill or knowledge. I think it would be better to change jobs.

  • マウスラッキー



    I went to the dentist at Tagawa Hospital with a letter of introduction. Since it was Saturday morning, the hospital was quiet. The security guard in front of the entrance is kind and the reception process is easy. The dentist also had a good sense of humor and made me feel at ease during the treatment. very good.

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