直鞍急患センター en Nogata



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808-2 Yamabe, Nogata, Fukuoka 822-0034, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 949-28-2840
sitio web: chokuan-medical.jp
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 33.743573, Longitude: 130.71762

comentarios 5

  • 凛凛



    I was coughing so badly that I couldn't sleep, so I called ahead of time to explain my symptoms. I waited in my car, and when I went to see the doctor, I was told that they didn't have any cough medicine and that they wouldn't let me in. The teacher told me to throw it out and said, ``Well, please buy it at a local pharmacy,'' and at that moment my head was covered in Hatena symbols (lol). Even though over-the-counter medicines are not working, I have to go to the hospital as a last resort. A kind nurse apparently went out of his way to ask the doctor if there was powder medicine for children, but she was adamant, saying, ``We don't give children's medicine to adults!!!'' I was very disappointed because this was the hospital where I had been taken care of when I had a sudden illness when I was a child. Maybe it depends on the teacher at the time? This time it was a mistake. I won't come again.

  • N I

    N I


    When I returned home, my daughter's health suddenly changed. They responded quickly and appropriately, and while encouraging my daughter, they also explained the situation to us in an easy-to-understand manner. I am also very grateful to all the nurses and doctors.

  • 許斐智子



    My son's hives were so bad that he went to see a doctor, but for some reason he was prescribed topical medication, much to my surprise. Looks like there's only a bad doctor. I'm going there at night, so if you need an emergency and the only doctor available is a paper doctor, it's better not to go.

  • 雫


    When my estranged family member was brought to the hospital and I called to check on his condition, he said, ``I don't really understand, but if you want to ask me more questions, please come to the hospital.'' The nurse seemed to be quite old, but her tone was rough from beginning to end, which made me feel really uneasy. I don't want to be transported to this hospital no matter what...

  • Sakamoto Shinichi

    Sakamoto Shinichi


    Incompetent Do not go unless it is extremely urgent

El hospital más cercano

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