Kozaki Clinics en Tagawa

JapónKozaki Clinics


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Ita, Tagawa, Fukuoka 825-0002, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 947-49-1152
sitio web: kozaki-clinic.jp
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 33.6456631, Longitude: 130.806761

comentarios 5

  • ゴリラ



    Anyway, you'll have to wait 😅 There is a huge difference between people who like nurses and people who like them poorly. The doctor is very nice and examines you with great care!

  • Kei-K -T-K

    Kei-K -T-K


    As everyone has said, there are certainly a lot of patients, so you have to wait a long time. I don't understand why I have to wait about 10 minutes, not just to see the doctor, but to pay the bill. However, if you only need medicine once a month, such as blood pressure medicine, you should go to another hospital. However, when the time comes, the doctors here are very good at diagnosis. Especially since they can't do it themselves, they will immediately refer you to a larger hospital. We can detect serious illnesses or illnesses that require surgery. If you go halfway, they will try to do it themselves if possible, so it's better to have it checked here first.

  • 高畑オードリー



    I was surprised that they had replaced all the previous nurses and replaced them with younger nurses. I'll wait, but it seems like it's improved, not as much as before. If it had been like before, I would have changed to another clinic, but I decided to see the doctor and nurse here, who I am used to going to. Because he's kind and empathetic.

  • ダミ男



    I guess he's a good teacher. However, since there is no reservation system, the waiting time is long. It's normal to have to wait two hours to go to the hospital just to get a prescription for medicine. When it comes to endoscopy, I have to wait several months. Nurses who have been here for a long time have moved to other hospitals. I'm just wasting my time doing nothing, so I decided to go to the hospital now. Thank you very much for your time.

  • 15



    When I came here a few years ago, I had the impression that the nurses were very kind and gentle, but after coming here this time, my impression has changed. The nurse's hair has a lot of packing. Although he is very kind to his regular patients, he has a poor way of explaining things to other patients, and I came across as unfriendly. There were people at the pharmacy who came to work in the morning without wearing masks, but I think it's better to always wear a mask to prevent coronavirus.

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