Toyota Dental Clinic en Kitakyushu

JapónToyota Dental Clinic



🕗 horarios

Japan, 〒807-1266 Fukuoka, Kitakyushu, Yahatanishi Ward, Nobu, 2-chōme−2−758−1 807-1262
contactos teléfono: +81 93-619-0777
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 33.7800382, Longitude: 130.7302556

comentarios 5

  • しづきあやの



    The student carefully and gently removed the plaque ☺️ Good luck ✨ I'm rooting for you! !

  • ko to

    ko to


    The parking lot is large, easy to get in and out of, and easy to park. You can feel at ease because the room is clean and you have a private room where you won't be seen by other patients. Both the teachers and nurses are kind. There are many machines that I have never seen before. There is also a machine that uses a camera to remove teeth, which is very impressive. amazing!

  • むっちゃん



    Another practitioner advised me to go to a university hospital because my upper wisdom teeth were growing sideways. My daughter went to the hospital to get a referral letter. ``It's okay, you can do it here. If you're worried, I'll write you a letter of introduction,'' the director said, and I asked him to do so. They had both of them removed at the same time, and my recovery was going well, and I didn't have to go to a faraway university hospital. My daughter has complete trust in her teacher's personality and skills. I had panic disorder and anxiety and had been receiving treatment at a visiting dentist, but when I went here, I was absolutely fine. I went there for the first time because it was recommended to me. The doctor, the receptionist, and the dental assistant were all kind. what are you going to do? She always asked me what I was doing and was kind to me.My impression of dentistry, which I used to be afraid of, completely changed. Don't do anything that doesn't have to be done immediately, be kind and quick. I felt safe during the treatment. It is clean and has coronavirus countermeasures. It's thorough. As soon as a patient stands up in the waiting room, the disinfectant is disinfected, and as soon as the patient touches the push button on the automatic door, the disinfectant is disinfected. It's really amazing.

  • irico



    I used to go there before, but they almost never treated the painful area, and I spent time removing tartar from my teeth every time, and even though I went there for a month, there was no sign of it getting better. Even when I asked how long I had to go, I couldn't even make a plan. It was difficult to make an appointment, so I changed to another dentist and ended up visiting the clinic only two times. I wish they had given me faster treatment and explanation.

  • 松井



    I couldn't make it at my scheduled appointment time, so I canceled and was prepared to wait, but I was called right away. When I told him that my jaw on the right side was hurting during treatment, the doctor told me that it was temporomandibular joint disorder and gave me some painkillers. The medical examination ended. When I asked if they don't treat cavities, they said no. It's said and done. At the reception desk, I was asked about my next appointment, and I was told that unless the pain in my jaw goes away, I won't be able to treat my cavities, right? Is it okay to come when the pain is gone? When I asked this at the reception desk, the teacher appeared. He's already looking pissed off. When I told him what I wanted him to explain, he acted arrogant and said, "It's because you didn't show up at the reservation time in the first place..." When I say it, he makes an irritated face and sighs, thinking it's a waste of time. words. All I wanted was an explanation that I could understand with peace of mind, but I felt like I was being chased away and told to go home early. It's a shame because I went there because I heard it had good reviews. I decided to ask him to introduce me to a dental school that he had been talking about for some time. What is it like to have a hospital that doesn't care about its patients?

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