Shiida Clinics en Chikujo

JapónShiida Clinics



🕗 horarios

185-1 Minato, Chikujo, Chikujo District, Fukuoka 829-0311, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 930-56-0030
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 33.653043, Longitude: 131.0634565

comentarios 5

  • 小嶋彩香



    I wanted to have a gastrocamera, so I went to the doctor for the first time. When I told him that I was very afraid of gastroscopy, he told me that it could be done under sedation (please be careful as you will not be able to drive home). I didn't fall asleep, probably because I was so nervous, but I was able to finish the session in a dazed state without any pain. The doctor personally told me the results over the phone without having to go to the doctor's office, so I was glad that I didn't have to go to the doctor just to explain the results. The only disappointing aspect is the nurse's preliminary treatment. It was painful because they had to give me nasal spray anesthesia and then try to pass the tube right away. I was nervous, probably because I wasn't used to it, and I was busy preparing.

  • 森信秀



    He has been my family doctor for a long time. We have been together since the time it was called Shiida Hospital. It's been a while since the renovation, but unfortunately (lol) I was in good health, so I never had time to take care of you. So, I came here this time because I heard that they could prescribe medicine for hay fever. This was good news at a time when pollen was so intense this year that I was so itchy that I wanted to take out my eyeballs and wash them in a basin instead of just washing my face. It was very easy to understand, as the prescribed medicines could be chosen based on a table that listed the efficacy and level of drowsiness according to the intended use. If you are concerned about this year's pollen, we encourage you to feel free to consult us. 23.05.16_Revision①_Photo added

  • C Y

    C Y


    I went there because I had a high fever and was having difficulty breathing. I was a little nervous in this day and age, but even though the result was negative, the hospital didn't turn me down and they gave me a proper test that involves circling my nose! thank you. Apparently some hospitals don't have to wait for 30 minutes and can test you right away (according to a friend, it might be an antigen test), so I was relieved to be able to get tested here. Thank you for taking the time. I think mine is probably due to a chronic allergy.

  • じゃがぽてた



    My whole family is indebted to me, and I am grateful for your help even in an emergency. I look forward to working with you.

  • Kyoko



    My family is taking care of me. The teachers are very attentive and listen carefully to what you have to say. The teachers and nurses are kind to the children and easy to get to. Highly recommended!

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