Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Gakuenmae Branch i Nara

JapanSumitomo Mitsui Banking Gakuenmae Branch



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Japan, 〒631-0036 Nara, Gakuenkita, 1-chōme−1−1 ル・シエル 100 学園前1・2階
kontakter telefon: +81 570-043-195
internet side:
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Latitude: 34.6973148, Longitude: 135.7506918

kommentar 5

  • しばたん(じろうのしっぽ)



    While operating an ATM at a store, I was asked about a personal matter, probably because I had made an analogy based on the transfer destination. I felt very bad.

  • vt



    I opened an account 4 years ago and the card was said to be free forever, so I made it. When I checked my bankbook, I had already paid the annual membership fee for two years, so the annual membership fee was waived, and I was scammed by Sumitomo Mitsui out of about 4,000 yen.

  • xin x

    xin x


    1 star because there are no negative stars. When I opened an account, I was made to type in my information from above, and then I was left alone for 40 minutes, and when I checked on the situation, they started asking for my name.

  • にのみみー



    Park your car at the affiliated parking lot, use the safe deposit box, and hand in your parking ticket at the reception on the first floor. I was on the phone, but towards the end of the day I swiped it through the machine and had it returned to me while mumbling something. I was still a little worried, but when I returned to my car and put in my parking ticket to leave, I was charged 300 yen. I went all the way there just for the safe deposit box. I have to walk a little from the parking lot. I tried calling to complain, but they said, ``Could you wait so I can check?'' It looked like my phone bill was going to be stolen, so I hung up after a little over two minutes. It's a detailed story, but I was forced to waste a total of 400 yen.

  • さかぐちりえ



    I was very grateful to the man in charge of the tour who was very accommodating and helpful. It looks like it's going to be a very pleasant day today as they smile and ask me to go.

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