MUFG Bank Senri-Chuo Branch i Toyonaka

JapanMUFG Bank Senri-Chuo Branch



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Japan, 〒560-0082 Osaka, Toyonaka, Shinsenri Higashimachi, 1-chōme−4−1 阪急千里中央ビル
kontakter telefon: +81 570-018-016
internet side:
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Latitude: 34.8104445, Longitude: 135.495518

kommentar 5

  • モモ



    The bank staff's response is sloppy and lacks kindness. It was my fault that the documents were incomplete. There is no alternative This is not a defect on my part. I made a reservation two weeks in advance and came all the way to the reception, but what is this like? I didn't feel any kindness or kindness at all, even though the staff were not only on weekdays, but also on paid employment. Even in the reserved seats, there was a lot of dust behind the computers. There are fingerprints on the acrylic board of the partition in several places and it's dirty! !

  • n k

    n k


    I came to the store to pick up documents for filing a tax return for foreign currency exchange gains. Since they couldn't help you at the call center or online, I had no choice but to make an appointment and go to the counter. I was concerned that the female bank employee I was dealing with was vague in her explanations, didn't answer my questions properly, and kept giving me scams, and I kept asking her for documents that showed the foreign exchange gain in order to file a tax return. I insisted that I only needed to know the acquisition price, and was told that this document would show it, so I paid 330 yen and completed the procedure. The documents I received after waiting for nearly a week were completely useless. I will file a complaint with the call center tomorrow. I can't make it in time to file my tax return. Do not be silly. Don't sell financial products you don't understand. In the first place, people are talking about fintech, but I don't understand why they can't do something that other financial institutions can do for free on the web while paying for it over the counter. This time it was 330 yen, but it was originally said to be worth 15 years, or about 60,000 yen. What kind of acoustic guitar business are you running? postscript When I called to complain, even though I requested a call back, they just kept repeating, "Please wait." I don't want to listen to people's stories. After much pursuit, I returned the documents and got my money back, but it cost 330 yen and took hours. In this way, I was convinced that they were steadily deceiving and stealing from people who never complained. I don't want to have anything to do with it again.

  • Christine Wong (Chris)

    Christine Wong (Chris)


    Condescending and poorly trained staffs. The staffs were very rude especially to foreign CUSTOMERS.

  • Yuki Kojima

    Yuki Kojima


    Worst employees ever not helpful at all and very snobby

  • Yoshi Tsuji

    Yoshi Tsuji


    Very helpful employees

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