Nanto Bank i Nara

JapanNanto Bank



🕗 åbningstider

16 Hashimotochō, Nara, 630-8217, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 742-22-1131
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 34.6823935, Longitude: 135.8284606

kommentar 5

  • t y

    t y


    I received a fraudulent call and was instructed to transfer money to my personal account at this bank. I consulted the police and have not been a victim myself, but I felt sorry for someone who was deceived by the same method and sent money, so when I reported the account specified by the scammer to a mega bank, I received a message saying, I had read an experience where someone said, ``I had to freeze my account because there were multiple reports,'' so I called with the intention of providing some information in hopes of being of some help. The woman who accepted the call was so irritated that she seemed to be bothering me, so I thought of hanging up by saying, ``It's fine if you don't need it,'' but she said, ``I'll just ask for your account number.'' I was really surprised as I had never received such bad customer service at a bank, either at the counter or over the phone. I felt that they had no intention of protecting their customers' assets and their security was probably lax, which is why they were often used by scammers. If someone instructs you to transfer money to this bank account by saying, ``This is an investigation account,'' please be careful.

  • ぱるむ



    Parking is free However, the parking lot is not as large as today's parking lot, so be careful if you drive with a number 3 number.

  • フィングワァン



    I went to change my seal, but the woman in her 450s had a really bad attitude, and when I tried to ask her about something I wasn't sure about, she said nothing. picture? He explained languidly while sighing. They were not very efficient and even though I had made a reservation, they said they couldn't accept me unless I made a reservation. People say things I don't understand. I don't want bank employees to behave like they do at department stores, but I feel like I'm tarnishing the bank's name if they behave like that. It's a historic building, and the other bank employees are generally courteous, but it's very sad that the bank's image has been tarnished because of that one person. I hope her attitude improves as I would like to continue using her.

  • てる森



    The female employee who came to this counter today, I don't know if she wanted to finish quickly, but when I asked for a reissue, she just showed me where to fill out the information, and then told me that she would call me once the procedure was completed, so I went to the back and asked her to come. Take your seat. After I forgot to check my ID, I was immediately called back to my seat, and then my name was called, but I mistyped it and filled out the receipt for the reissuance procedure fee. Even the name they called me was different. I entered my name incorrectly even after verifying my identity. After that, I had to wait again and was asked to rewrite the receipt. After receiving it, the employee didn't say anything, just gave me the receipt, and for some reason went on to other tasks. What if I wait and don't know what to do? What about the card? I was told that it would be sent by mail. I was surprised that they just told me what to fill out without any explanation, and at the end they only gave me a receipt and didn't even say hello. Also, the tissue was not collected after wiping the seal. There was no smile and the response was very unpleasant.

  • ymi k

    ymi k


    I was passing through Konishi Dori on my way to work, and this female bank employee (?) bumped into me, but she didn't even say ``excuse me'' and walked away with an apologetic look on her face. Since he entered from the side of the Nanto Bank ATM on Konishi Street, I thought it was an employee of this bank. It was a woman with long hair wearing a black coat. It makes me doubt humanity.

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