Nanto Bank i Kashihara

JapanNanto Bank



🕗 åbningstider

1-chōme-1-1 Yagichō, Kashihara, Nara 634-0078, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 744-22-3601
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 34.5089655, Longitude: 135.7918349

kommentar 5

  • 黒田憲吉



    The question arises as to whether a bank or post office doing a NISA would make them an insider. I'm also afraid that there may be malicious or ignorant people who recommend this without knowing that the principal cannot be guaranteed.

  • シバタタカコ



    It was quite crowded, but I got my numbered ticket first at the counter and waited in line at the ATM, but my ticket number was called first, but I couldn't get out of the line, and the number was called out. Thank you for calling me next, even though I was already the next person. thank you very much. Also, thank you for kindly letting me in when I asked for a numbered ticket.

  • 芳村葉子



    The staff at the store are quite normal. If you call out to them, they will respond kindly. I don't find it inconvenient to use ATMs or counters.

  • reon F

    reon F


    A discriminatory bank full of self-satisfied idiots who can't understand what they're doing unless they discriminate. When I look at people, I feel like I have to discriminate against them, or that I don't care about you, and then I'm like, oh well, I can't help it, so why don't you do something? Tokuru. Both the customers and the staff seem to think this is normal, so they don't think there's anything wrong with it. The fact that everything is at a low level can be seen by the fact that value is created through discrimination. So racism is justice here. Well, it's better to go somewhere else, there are plenty of them nearby, so I went out of my way to come here. It seems like everyone doesn't agree otherwise. Hi, Cynara

  • スティーブマクギャレット



    The response was not bad, but I heard that the Minoari branch and Unebi branch were consolidated. I used to take care of investment trusts at the Unebi branch, but when I went to the Kashihara branch, there were quite a lot of bank employees chatting around, and when I was at the Unebi branch, I went to ask the bank staff in charge about various things, but now. I'm curious because it seems like they're busy when I go to ask. I would like to purchase a new fund, but I can't talk about it slowly, so I'm thinking of canceling the contract.

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