Shiratama no yu Senkei en Shibata

JapónShiratama no yu Senkei


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453 Tsukiokaonsen, Shibata, Niigata 959-2338, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 254-32-1111
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Latitude: 37.879755, Longitude: 139.312627

comentarios 5

  • Karol Grondzak

    Karol Grondzak


    We enjoyed our stay here!

  • j2 5

    j2 5


    One of the best hotel experiences that I enjoyed. Took the trip from Tokyo to Niigata then a cab to the hotel. Nice onsen, indoor and outdoor . Breakfast and dinner served to all guests. Choice of rooms as well. A beautiful place in a quiet small town, definitely a relaxing trip . A top resort.

  • Martin Fritz

    Martin Fritz


    I have been here already twice with my family and It was very amazing experience of japanese service in this beautiful place⛩️Everything was perfect. I do recommend this place for 100%❗️Enjoy🙏

  • Joakim Tørneskog

    Joakim Tørneskog


    Both me and my wife had a lovely stay at this Ryokan. The effort that the staff put into making us feel welcome was well worth the money. Upon arrival we were welcomed by 3 or 4 staff members and after check in we were guided to our room where we were served a delicious green tea as well as their own cookies filled with Anko. The room was beautifully furnished, elegant and immaculately clean. The shower room was relatively small but the outdoor bathtub made up for that. Between arrival and dinner we had the chance to experience the onsen with water containing sulfur. The two baths felt specious, clean and had all the amenities you could wish for. We had booked dinner 18.30 and arrived a bit early. Our dining room was ready and the table was teeming with all kinds of delicious food. We had ordered a 10 set course menu with Japanese beef included in the meal. The dinner was splendid and ticked all the boxes. Our host for the night "Sato-San" was attentive, very pleasant and seemed to time her servings perfectly. Thank you for a wonderful stay. We will be back another day.

  • Alicia Cheang

    Alicia Cheang


    My family and I had wonderful stay at Shiratama-No-Yu Senkei. There were a total of 14 of us staying at the hotel and they provided us with everything we needed. One of our family members had a slight medical emergencies on our last night and the hotel staff were great. The hotel provided us with a new hotel room in the middle of the night while one of the staff members accompanied us to the hospital to make sure everything was okay.

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