Shibata Daiichi Hotel en Shibata

JapónShibata Daiichi Hotel


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1-chōme-2-3 Suwachō, Shibata, Niigata 957-0055, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 254-26-7333
sitio web:
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Latitude: 37.9441827, Longitude: 139.3338487

comentarios 5

  • 孫悟空(孫 悟空)

    孫悟空(孫 悟空)


    Used by motorcycle (there is no roof parking lot) Good location, near a convenience store, and there are many pubs. The hotel staff were also very accommodating, and they were very polite when they came out to help me park my bike outside. The bedding on the bed is a little old. Accommodation prices are cheap. That helps a lot.

  • 根本英男



    A normal business hotel. The front desk staff is very kind. If the on-site parking lot is full, you will be directed to the parking lot of the complex across the street. The parking fee is around 2000 yen, but it will be refunded if you present the receipt to the front desk.

  • アーニャニーア



    The room size is the same as a typical business hotel. There is no problem with the temperature adjustment and shower force in the bath, but what about the drain cover on the side? It comes off easily and will come off even if you just hit it with your foot. Some of the reception staff talk to me from above. It's hard to tell because the white lines in some parking lots have disappeared. It's convenient because it's close to a convenience store and the nearest station.

  • macpaul ekwueme

    macpaul ekwueme


    The refrigerator in the room was dirty and stinky. Couldn't use it.

  • James B

    James B


    Nice hotel. Clean, comfortable, very friendly and helpful staff. Good wifi. Delicious traditional style Japanese breakfast.

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