Toyoko Inn Niigata Ekimae en Niigata

JapónToyoko Inn Niigata Ekimae


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Japan, 〒950-0086 Niigata, Chuo Ward, Hanazono, 1-chōme−2−2 ガレッソ 4F
contactos teléfono: +81 25-241-1045
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mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 37.913306, Longitude: 139.062209

comentarios 5

  • Michelle Nakao

    Michelle Nakao


    good place for a business hotel, breakfast is simple but for the price it is reasonable. for parking you need to look for locations on the hotel website and at check in you pay the price for 1 day and not per hour as described in the parking lots (which is more expensive)

  • Dan Metcalf

    Dan Metcalf


    Convenient, inexpensive, no frills, business hotel. Great for budget travelers. Comes with morning breakfast too.

  • 전중영



    I stayed at this hotel two times, one year ago and today now when I'm writing this message. There have been same squaky, floor-scratching, ghost-appearing noises which make me a sleepless night. I complained this phenomena to a hotel staff, but she said she also feels this noise but it is just due to a strong wind today. But her explain is not true because there was no wind at all at my last stay here. I suppose this building itself has a big design problem which the hotel guys concel. I reccommend those who have a weak heart that "Don't stay at this hotel. If you do, you would confront a spooky night."

  • Jeraldine Lee

    Jeraldine Lee


    Near train station. Clean and reasonable price. Good service.

  • Desmond Ng

    Desmond Ng


    great location. value for money. clean rooms with free wifi.

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