山見茶屋 en Takamori




🕗 horarios

3628 Takamori, Aso District, Kumamoto 869-1602, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 967-62-3100
sitio web: asoyamami.jp
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 32.8094853, Longitude: 131.1254921

comentarios 5

  • Ko Ko

    Ko Ko


    The location was good and the food was delicious! The Akagyu Katsuju was full of volume as the cutlets were spread over the rice. My companion ordered the Momiji set meal, and the horsemeat yakiniku was served promptly, but we had to wait quite a while for the salt-grilled yamame trout, and there was a lot of chatter and laughter coming from the kitchen, making it difficult for customers to have free time. I would like to understand the eating and drinking situation and provide salt-grilled food. By the way, there were only two groups in the store at that time.

  • R



    Aka beef bowl (miso soup, pickles?) 2300 Horse sashimi 2500 Lava grilled horse meat 1300 Bottled beer? Dagojiru 1000? It was about 7500 yen for two people. Aka beef bowl menu photos and The volume is different, it's dry, and it's not tasty. I was surprised that it was a boiled egg instead of a warm egg. There was also something like pickled mustard greens on it. Honestly, if you're going to pay that price, you should go elsewhere. I had lukewarm soup, but only one dango. Horse meat is a small square piece. It's too different from the photo. Even if you drive up a mountain and the scenery is nice, If the taste and price are anything to go by, I won't go there again. There was no music in the store, just the clatter of the kitchen. Do you have a part-time job while paying? Two women are sitting in the kitchen. Thank you for playing with my phone. I took some nice photos, but Not recommended. Really.

  • 都倉



    It was the most delicious horse meat dish I had in Kumamoto. The grilled horse meat was also very flavorful, and it was even more delicious when dipped in the special sauce. Also, the grilled yamameme trout was fluffy and had no odor, making it addictive. The scenery and the atmosphere of the shop are both great, making it the number one shop you definitely want to visit when you go to Kumamoto. I will visit you again!




    Visited Aso with the family, found thus cozy place the second day for lunch after several sightseeing. The grill looks so nice which is right in center of the table so we ordered grilled fish which we wasn’t expected it to be alive. The host was super nice explaining in Japanese even though there’s language between us, she’s professional at grilling and setting everything up. Beef don was the main dish and it’s also delicious, beef was soft and rice was undoubtedly appetizing. We were just seated a window seat so we could see full size of Aso mountain scenery. Nice atmosphere, great food, friendly host, the best dining experience here in Aso, would definitely come back for the next visit.

  • Kevin Tsang

    Kevin Tsang


    Good and a peaceful place to enjoy simple local food there.

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