ブラッセリー ラシュレ en Minamiaso

Japónブラッセリー ラシュレ


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4773-6 Kawayō, Minamiaso, Aso District, Kumamoto 869-1404, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 90-5941-4340
sitio web: b-rassyurer.jugem.jp
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 32.8835662, Longitude: 130.9996297

comentarios 5

  • K San

    K San


    After the earthquake, we have been operating from a temporary store at the roadside station ``Asobinosato Kugino''. Although it must have been done with limited facilities, the attention to detail in each dish and setting made it a pleasure to eat there. This is a store I would like to visit again, even if it is far away. thank you very much. [Added on September 2022] Currently operating in a rebuilt single-family store in Kawano. It's a very nice shop. I'm always impressed by the scenery outside the window and the delicious combination of unexpected ingredients. thank you. [Added on 2024.03] I come here every year, but the updates over the past few years have been even more amazing. I was surprised and delighted by the unexpected combinations of seasonal vegetables and fruits (which were also delicious) served every time. My five senses are somehow busy lol By the time I get home, I'm talking to my friends and thinking, ``Oh, when can I come next?''

  • 茂木愛



    Are you a couple? It's a quiet and relaxing restaurant. Even though it was a bit lively and my friend and I were talking, the table seats were spacious enough for everyone to feel comfortable, so I don't think it was a nuisance (I hope). Lunch courses must also be reserved in advance. It looks and tastes perfect! My friend chose meat and I chose fish. I was expecting something like white fish with crispy skin, but instead of my expectations, it turned out to be a baked pie. This was also exquisite. Everything from dessert to coffee was very satisfying.

  • りかりん



    This is my favorite shop. Even though it's lunch, the chef is insane for such a large amount of food at this price! ? ? The pricing is so reasonable that it makes me worry every time. The other day, they apologetically announced a slight price increase, but no, it's still quite cheap! Drink prices are also reasonable. I always order non-alcoholic sparkling wine, and this is so delicious that I get addicted to it. On average, the menu changes to a new menu every month and a half. It's a restaurant where you can look forward to going to the restaurant because everything you eat is delicious. There are two types of menus: a full course and a course where you choose either meat or fish as your main course. I'm a glutton so I don't hesitate to order a full course every time. If you are not a small eater, we recommend the full course. Because the meat and fish are really delicious. My husband, who I've been going to school with since last year, was transferred, so I haven't been able to go very often, but I'd like to go as soon as possible when he returns home. If you don't go for a while, you'll start to experience withdrawal symptoms lol

  • 食いしんBON



    My favorite Mr. Lasure 💓 Entered the store at 11 o'clock. (Currently, reservations are made for 2 to 3 groups each from 11:00 and 13:00. 5 to 6 people) The seats are well spaced, so you can eat with confidence. The lunch course I received was 3500 yen. I was impressed by the dishes, from appetizers to desserts. Since I was driving, I had grape juice as a drink.It was rich and delicious. All of these were extremely delicious. The cost performance is the best! ️I would love to hear from you again.

  • J Y

    J Y


    Advance reservations are required. It was a very comfortable restaurant with a calm and friendly atmosphere. All of the courses were very delicious. I was especially impressed with the main fish dish, cutlassfish wrapped in mushroom puree, as the two ingredients went well together.

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