Ohako en Mashiki




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Japan, 〒861-2205 Kumamoto, Kamimashiki District, Mashiki, Sugidō, 大字杉堂字高遊938-78
contactos teléfono: +81 96-279-1211
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 32.8359643, Longitude: 130.8741028

comentarios 5

  • H Matsuda

    H Matsuda


    On my way to Aso for work, I stopped by Ohako-san, which had delicious free-range chicken. This is my second visit. Last time, I had the free range chicken set, and it was fresh and delicious. This time, since I was alone, I had the fried chicken set meal from the lunch menu. It is a system where you can choose the parts of your fried chicken from the grill. I had seseri, which I don't eat very often, but it had a crunchy texture and was very delicious. The price of 800 yen is reasonable as it also includes dagojiru soup and several small side dishes. I would like to visit you again.

  • 平田



    Charcoal-grilled chicken and soba noodles are popular. You can enjoy it because you can grill it on a charcoal grill. The soup stock of the set meal has a sweet taste that I like, and there are plenty of vegetables. Fried chicken is crispy and soft Parking lot is also large Last order for lunch is 1:50 p.m. Completely finished Cashless not possible The toilet is Japanese style and is not suitable for overseas or elderly people.

  • 김지원



    A restaurant located about a 20-minute walk from Kumamoto Airport This is a local grilled chicken restaurant where pot rice is served when ordering a set menu. A local restaurant with a great atmosphere and great service!! If you plan to stay at Kumamoto Airport for more than 2 hours, I recommend going there.




    A restaurant specializing in local chicken dishes. At lunchtime, there are set meals such as dagojiru, soba, and fried chicken. I think the main dish will be charcoal-grilled free-range chicken.

  • S幸子



    I really liked it! The atmosphere inside the store and the taste of the dagojiru are the best! I chose the 2200 yen course for a bit of luxury. (I wanted to eat chicken soup and kamameshi too! (lol) My partner ordered kamameshi. This was the correct answer! It takes about 20 minutes for kamameshi to be cooked after you order it. The best time to eat is when the solid fuel runs out. In the meantime, we grilled the local chicken course over charcoal and ate it for the two of us. Two types of local chicken: salt and sauce There was also seared chicken, and by the time the kamameshi was cooked, my stomach had calmed down and I was worried that I might not be able to eat the kamameshi. It's so delicious that I can eat it! And above all, I'm looking forward to Tadago soup. This is exquisite! ! With its strong seasoning, I'm hooked! ! The soup here might be the most delicious! ! ! I really liked the taste. I will definitely repeat it again! The only thing I was disappointed about was the customer next door. Is it the clerk? The scent of perfume interfered with the charcoal scent and atmosphere. It was a perfume similar to CHANEL's CHANCE.

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