Cafe Sakura en Aso

JapónCafe Sakura



🕗 horarios

625-1 Kurabaru, Aso, Kumamoto 869-2224, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 967-34-0087
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 32.9410313, Longitude: 131.0892272

comentarios 5

  • Jerry Leung

    Jerry Leung


    Everything is good! Nice food, nice setting, nice staff! And nice view! The road is a big narrow but after you reach there, there are more spaces for parking.

  • K Bea

    K Bea


    sososo delicious. The environment is IG-able, their food especially the crab noodle is amazing. They have a small car park and reach there early if you don’t want to wait. I arrived at 12nn and wait for 10 tables. It worths to wait anyway.

  • Sijani Suresh

    Sijani Suresh


    Cute little restaurant tucked away with a great view of the farmland. Food was great and the set came with a drink. Very affordable meals. Service was great. You will have to take of your shoes once inside.

  • S Q

    S Q


    Super nice hidden cafe. Services and food excellent. Ambience and scenery at the restaurant are amazing. Love the beef. The toilet is very clean and nice.

  • Maya Sause

    Maya Sause


    Such a cute hidden cafe! You would never expect to find this elegant cafe in the middle of the fields. The design is lovely, with huge windows to overlook the fields. I loved the whole vibe, inside and out. Minus one star for average coffee and drinks, but otherwise a great lil spot.

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