Sanchokuseisenichiba Ebetsuten i Ebetsu

JapanSanchokuseisenichiba Ebetsuten



🕗 åbningstider

Japan, 〒069-0817 Hokkaido, Ebetsu, Nopporoyoyogichō, 77−2
kontakter telefon: +81 11-385-8971
internet side:
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Latitude: 43.094217, Longitude: 141.5216057

kommentar 5

  • YASU K

    YASU K


    I couldn't believe my eyes, but... This store seems to store trays and disposable chopsticks for prepared foods and processed foods outside. I think it's something that should be left in the store as common sense for hygiene. Is it okay if the management is sloppy and customers don't understand? I feel sorry for the customers who use the service all the time without knowing anything about it. It is always visible from the sidewalk of the road.

  • 小野寺美千代



    I go there once in a while, and it's always cheap! I think. You can buy things that aren't advertised, for example, today you can get 1L of Lipton lemon tea for 50 yen!I watched Pop twice. I was lucky because I was able to buy non-standard tofu as well. But why? I don't go there every time...because the store is small, sometimes there aren't enough carts, and I can't move between the aisles.I love shopping and want to buy a lot slowly, but I have to stop depending on how crowded the parking lot is or the day of the week. It's from But I like it.

  • Hideo



    Flesh and chipe

  • steve joss

    steve joss


    Lots of great produce, meats and more.

  • Steve Arduh

    Steve Arduh


    Great prices.

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