Ralse Mart i Sapporo

JapanRalse Mart



🕗 åbningstider

4-chōme-8-33 Ishiyamahigashi, Minami Ward, Sapporo, Hokkaido 005-0850, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 11-592-2655
internet side: www.ralse.co.jp
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 42.9623937, Longitude: 141.3435257

kommentar 5

  • 石栗慶一



    A small-sized supermarket that carries the minimum necessary products. If I remember correctly, it was originally a Fretty Daimaru chain, which became the current Ralsmart. Also, there is only a few parking spaces in front of the store, which can be inconvenient during the winter.

  • シェフネズミ



    The clerk (aunt) who has been here for a long time is the worst! The manager is good ♪ Sometimes the meat smells >

  • min max

    min max


    Ishiyama Higashi is the only supermarket in Tokiwa. This is the last supermarket when accessing Lake Shikotsu from the Sapporo side. It's small, but it has almost everything. My routine is to buy beer here and go home.

  • asa shouda

    asa shouda


    I've seen some reviews saying that the store is small, but if you don't like that, just go to a larger store. You can tell from the outside that it's small. I think this is the perfect store for people who don't want to go to a big supermarket. It's small and feels like a convenience store, so the cashier is close by. I think it would be better if the parking lot was a little wider.

  • Aji An

    Aji An


    The reason I stopped using the store. This was a few years ago. Don't worry, it may have improved now. The vegetables were not fresh, and once a whole bag of onions was rotten. I ordered a delivery service for a fee, but a box was set up at the end of the cash register and I was asked to carry my purchases there myself and transfer them to the box. I paid for the items I bought to be delivered because they were too heavy to carry, but when I said there was no point in doing this, they carried them to the box, but I had to do the transfer myself💢

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