Super ARCS Kikusui Store i Sapporo

JapanSuper ARCS Kikusui Store



🕗 åbningstider

5-chōme-2-25 Kikusui 3 Jō, Shiroishi Ward, Sapporo, Hokkaido 003-0803, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 11-837-5757
internet side:
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 43.0531775, Longitude: 141.3786086

kommentar 5

  • はな



    The store is spacious and I think the prices are generally reasonable.It's something you can rely on. TSUTAYA and Tsuruha are also included, so I think one of the attractions is that it ends here.

  • YS HER

    YS HER



  • W and MOTORRAD

    W and MOTORRAD


    I like the Arcus series. That song that plays inside the store, and the design of the store. What's more, this store has a 100 yen shop, a cake shop, a yakitori shop, takoyaki, and even TSUTAYA. It is compactly packed◯ What's even more amazing is that, as you can see in the photo, it's a store that cooperates with recycling recyclables. I'm having trouble with cardboard boxes and magazines, so this is helpful. Please note that the time is until 22:00. Since it closes, you can no longer physically insert it. In addition, supermarket stores are open until 0:00. .

  • Panaya



    Such a big supermarket!:) I visited here twice in December last year. There is an eating area inside. Good drugstore nearby. perfect

  • tungsaleekased samut

    tungsaleekased samut


    Big and full of things we need for our dinner at home . near by have cosmetic and drug store

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